Friday, December 16, 2016


We are surrounded by beautiful Christmas lights up and down our street. In the morning and in the evening the sky is ablaze with The glorious rays of the sun.  Even the moon is extra big and bright.
If we were searching for a miracle would we follow the brightest star, or listen as the shepherds did to the song of the angels.  In the old Testament the Word of Scripture was a light for our way until Jesus came to shine that light into our hearts with love.

How do we respond to the story of this special baby and allow the light into our hearts and minds?

Mary and Joseph are an example of faith and trust in God.  An angel or a dream or a word from a friend or loving family God is whispering to those who take time to listen.

Faith needs to be nurtured.  Nurtured with prayer, worship, reading spiritual truth, and by serving and giving to others.  It is with humility we enter into the story and knell before the Light of the World shining from Jesus.

Can we open ourselves us to this miracle?  Every child is precious and special!

Randy take note.


nancy-Lou said...

Isn't the moon beautiful? it is at it's perigee, which means it is closest to earth.
I see it out my bedroom window in the evening and it shines down on my bed at night when I leave the blind up...which I often do so I can see the stars.

I love you writing about faith and trust in God and the miracle of Jesus.

All we have behind us is the bush...the original homestead property of the Ateah Grandparents. Quite a heritage it is. They had a quarter section of land as many of the immigrants were granted in those days.
Now there are about 25 cottages and homes on it..all family.
Our sons live on it too..just five minutes away.

Yes, we are so blessed...this morning the largest buck I have ever seen was standing in our front yard with the sunlight shining on him. He was so magnificent. He still had his rack of antlers.....6 points. Soon they will fall off and begin to grow again in the spring. A doe came in the yard and he lowered his head and ran her off. I wouldn't want to tangle with those antlers either! There is a photo of him on my Facebook page.

Carl's infusion went well, but it was a long tiring day. A bitter cold day with a wind chill. We had trouble with the car heater and nearly froze the hour and forty minute drive into the hospital. I dropped Carl off to get the infusion and went to a garage to have the heater problem was the thermostat and they also flushed the rad and put in new coolant. So it works well now.
Thankfully we were warm on the drive home. BUT it was dark and we were in rush hour traffic in the city. A long day. Left at 8:30 and arrived homw at 7pm. I was worried about driving on the icy highways after dark and in the cold...but we got home OK. Carl is feeling well is all the steroids they pump in him to avoid any allergic reactions to the medication.

There is a lot of excitement in Winnipeg over the new Save On Food stores that have recently opened. We stopped in one on the way home and was it ever busy! Carl loved all the ready-made foods...chicken, even ducks were roasting in the rotisserie.
The store is in an area of the city where there are many ethnic peoples from all over the world. Phillipino, Pakistani, African and they carry some different things that are quite interesting. I really enjoyed the experience and will go back soon when I have more time.

Well I have to go out and give the birds some more seeds before darkness sets in. They are constantly on the fat logs...

Have a wonderful evening,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

What a day and I know the feeling of being happy to be home.

Enjoy your day.

love beth