Saturday, December 10, 2016


Yes Carol and Panteli came over early in the morning and shoveled the rest of the driveway and the street.  I am concerned that it is not safe for people walking.
Too bad I did not capture their smiles.  Dad did the little walk on the side.  We really appreciated some help and they did an excellent job and also put the salt on after.

It snowed a bit but then turned to rain.

Sorry to hear Rick is not well again but hopefully he stayed awake for Heartbeat our Sat. tradition. 

Christmas is a reminder that Jesus has now become a refuge for those trust in Him.

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

YAY for Carol and Panteli....shovelling all that heavy snow! Do they live nearby? It was so nice of them to come and do that for you.
We are in the grips of cold weather now, thus no snow! It looks to be a long cold spell..the next two weeks look below normal. -28C this morning at dawn. Fed the birds then and they were cold and waiting for me. It takes courage to run out in this cold in your pj's and a parka thrown on hastily....but I did it!

The patio table was thrown over...I am guessing a deer was startled during the night and did it. I feed the birds on it sometimes...but it attracts the deer, so will just use the hanging feeders. Those have to be hung up very high under the eve because the deer have learned to stand on their hind legs and flail at the hanging feeders to dump some of the seeds out.
I try not to attract them because the wolves are not far behind. The people who feed the deer are the cause of the high numbers of wolves coming into our communities..following the deer. That is their main source of food.

I hear about you and Rick liking the series Heartland is it is inspiring me to watch it. I haven't yet...but it sound like a good series.

Two Manitoba teams are in the final games in the Grand Slam Curling on tv today. The mens team and the womens too. A must watch for us!

I hope the rain has knocked down some of the snow and it is warming up.

Have a wonderful day today...I think you are going into Vancouver for the party with Sanadra and travels!

Love, Nancy