Monday, December 19, 2016


On the way to White Rock on Sat.  Today it has been raining here and dad and I stayed home, except one trip to the post office and the store.  Some of the walking was a challenge but I am glad not to be driving to town.  Lots of traffic problems and bad news on the T.V.

I think we may have snow for Christmas but right now the rain is making a mess of the roads.

Thinking back to my childhood I was a very ordinary little girl with a big brother who would tease me.  I really want curly hair but unless mom put it up in rags it was very straight.  I usually had pig-tails.

At Christmas I would help dad wrap presents to be sent to his sisters back in South Shields England.  I would also help mom with the Christmas baking, short bread and sugar cookies and ginger bread.  Seems like it was long ago and it was.

My best memories are of doing things with my two best friends.  We walked everywhere as no one had a car.  Walking down town was a long walk over a bridge and sometimes it was very windy and cold.

My other favorite thing to do was visit Auntie Jennie who was not an auntie and more like a grandmother.  She too always had cookies and we would play card games and she would tell jokes.
We would spend Christmas with her and her husband either at her house or at ours. 

I am sure my parents thought I had a bright future ahead of me as I did very well in school.  I had planned to go to University but met the man of my dreams and all my plans changed.  We had also moved from Saskatoon to Regina.  When Larry got moved to the coast we got married and moved into a basement suite on Oak Street.

Christmas is not about presents but about thoughtfulness and kindness. I find I can still feel excited about being together.  Theresa has invited us out to Chilliwack on the 22nd and Carol is planning a skating party on the 23 and on the 25 we will be at Sandra and Randy's for a traditional turkey dinner.
We are a smaller group this year but we will be a jolly bunch!

"Adulthood is when the ghosts of childhood appear."  (especially at Christmas)
- Terry Guillemets


Sandra said...

I stayed home to work yesterday. The traffic reports were too bad. It snowed at our house right up till 6-7 am. Peanut and I had a hard time wading through the field as the snow is right up to my knees, her tummy.

Mary called me, Michael John is sick with something he caught at work and Simone's day care has broken out in scabies. I told her they better be healthy in a week when I get there.

Sugar cookies, shortbread and gingerbread men, that is all that you really need at Christmas. Though cherry snowballs is another favourite of mine, probably because they are so easy.

We got the last parcel mailed out yesterday.


nancy-Lou said...

Long Ago....I enjoyed hearing about your childhood, Beth. It sounded much like mine, with the exception of a brother. I have no siblings. Pigtails, but wanting curly hair ( and my auntie used to put my hair in rags...loved those ringlets, but they didn`t last very long did theyÉ My computer is using french punctuation one had cars and we walked everywhere too....or biked...or took the streetcar! Different times.

You have lots of fun times ahead, with your family...skating parties etc. Lots to look forward to.
It is nice you donèt have to cook Christmas dinner, Beth and you can go to Sandraès house. I decided not to cook it too. We will stay home and the rest of the family ( just three of them ) will go the friends or other family homes. Just too tired to do it after all these years.

It is looking like we may have a blizzard Christmas and Boxing day....there is a large storm brewing. I love storms, but hope it doesnèt happen because it will be hard for folks to move around, visiting their friends and families. Well we are hardy Manitobans and will deal with it, if it does materialize!

I have to get my act in gear ( as they say ) because I have a realtor coming tomorrow to give us an appraisal on the house.

Have a wonderful day,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes we get to the place where we do not have the energy
to put up a big dinner.

Thinking of selling that must be very hard for you too.

Getting around here has become more difficult too.

Take care.

Love beth