Sunday, December 4, 2016


One by one I unwrap the Christmas ornaments that have been given to us over the years.  Some are even hand made and are treasured more and more over the years. 

It seemed like I had to choose between going to see Justice play basket ball and going to church.  There was a pancake breakfast made by the men and Heather who also is allergic to wheat was going to make me some pancakes and sausages.  Also it was the morning we were to bring toys to be given to families in need.  I promised dad I would leave early and we would be able to get to his game in good time.  So I enjoyed my breakfast and the church service.

We are continually reminded of all the tragedies caused by war and injustice while we pray for peace we are more and more aware of the peace that we can bring into our own misunderstandings,
It is so hard to take pictures when they are always on the move.  Justice scored four baskets and is improving every time.  Carol also came to watch and enjoy the game with us.
We all enjoyed going out to lunch at the Spaghetti Factory.  It is so good to get to know Tasha and Justice a little better.  Dad and I enjoy the game even if we do not know the rules very well.

I am trying to write a few Christmas cards but sitting at the table for long periods of time make my back ache.  I do enjoy getting cards so I want to make a little effort.

The joy of Christmas is remembering and enjoying memories of the past.  Every year is different and we would love to all be together.  Ken phoned after we got home and is making plans for a holiday after Christmas.  The are having a work to rule which really messes things up.

"Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does.
-  William James.


Sandra said...

Randy just grabbed a few of the boxes out of the crawl space, so only ended up with the generic ornaments on the tree.

I think Justice likes having us there, but they should have more chairs available.

At work, see how it goes. The drive in was not bad for me, we had more rain then snow at our house so just wet roads for most of my drive.


beth bennett said...

I am glad you drive into work was not too bad.
It is still snowing here.
Drove to White Rock for a appointment but it was Friday not today.
I must be mixed up with Rick having a test today.
Roads were okay less snow there,
Love mom

Sandra said...

This is the one down by me

nancy-Lou said...

You sure did well, Beth, to go to the pancake breakfast, church and a basketball game! That is a lot for one day. AND out to lunch afterwards. How nice it is to support Justice in his sport. Having family come out to watch would be meaningful to him.

Yes, some Christmas ornaments, in particular, do have nostalgia attached to them. There are some that were gifts from my music students from years ago and some I made with our granddaughter. Lots of good memories. We won't put up a tree again this year...but will have some boughs and lights on the mantle and some decorations throughout the house.

We are ready for the winter is on its way and scheduled to hit this evening. Will be a blizzard tomorrow.

I see you have received some snow....I guess it won't stick around for Christmas? Do you even remember having a white Christmas at the coast? I know you would remember them from Saskatoon.
Well there is no doubt, we will be having a white Christmas here!

I fed the birds some extra things this morning.....more fat and peanuts to get them thru the wintry weather later today and tomorrow.

The little Chickadees and Nuthatches are so tame and always come and sing to me as I put out their breakfast. Sometimes they land on my arm or hat...hahaha. so cute. They are very tame and will come to my hand when I extend it with some shelled peanuts. Their little feet curl tightly around my finger when they land...sooo cute.

Well I am off to the local store to see if the fax I have to send will go through this wouldn't this morning. Very Icy highway. The car was covered in an inch of ice again this I cleaned off what I could and then ran it to warm it up and rest fell off.

I wish you a good day, Beth and Larry,

Love, Nancy

We have a white throated sparrow that was left behind when his friend migrated. likely it was injured and cannot fly very far. I bought special small seeds for it.

beth bennett said...

The birds must be very thankful for you.

I must get some bird seed to-morrow.

Love beth