Saturday, December 3, 2016


A wonderful day with our house full of people and one baby and two dogs.
Ophelia is excited to play with the new toy.

Thanks Sandra for bringing the healthy snacking cake.  There was a little bit left for Leah to take home.  I was planning to make broccoli soup but by the time the broccoli  arrived I was feeling confused.  Evidently Haiti was too as she went and stayed out in dad's car to keep away from Peanut.

Earlier in the morning Carol dropped by to bring some baking for Kim to take to school.  She had forgot to bring it in the morning to school for her party.  Too bad Carol left before the cake arrived.  She brought Haiti with her and we would return her when we went to Carol's and Panteli's for supper.
Theresa and Morgan were on their way to Salt Spring to add some cravings to the craft fair.  I am sure it would be amazing with all the crafty people over there.

Theresa looking lovely as usual helps her mom with supper.
Morgan sits by he tree that Carol had bought and decorated.  My she had a busy day.  After supper it was a dash to the ferry as usual the time had gone by too fast.

For many Christmas can be a confusing time.  For me it is a time to express our love for one another.  For some of us it is a time to renew our faith in God because of the gift of His son.  For others it is a secular celebration when there is a desire to express good will to all and let the magic of the music and beauty of the lights and decorations take away the dark drabness of our days.

Yes for some it is a sad time as  we remember loved ones  and difficult times but miracles still happen.  Maybe if we could put all our sadness in a box and wrap it beautifully knowing God is the One who will open it!

If we could all hear one an other's prayers God might be be relieved of some of His Burdens,"


Sandra said...

Yes, you had a pretty non stop day on Friday. You must have gone to bed early.

I worked for about 4 hours on a new Santa Sack for Seeley. Picked out the stencils online, printed everything, cut them all out so carefully, ironed them, pulled off the backing only to find I had put 2 on upside down....sigh.

Dont know if I have time to order a new sack and get everything done again.

Skyped Mary, Simone and Sebastien have colds and were not their usual chatty selves.

My last day before going back to work, sure hope there is not snow in the morning.


nancy-Lou said...

Well that sure was quite a busy day for you Beth. No wonder the broccoli soup never got made! There is always tomorrow! I am going to make ham and bean soup later today. it was that or Quebec Pea Soup...which we love too. MMMMMM

Lovely photos of the family. Isn't Ophelia growing quickly and she has gained some weight. Excellent news all around. It was nice of Carol to have you over for supper too!

Awe. poor Sandra...those things happen, don't they? Could you just think of it as a "Happy Accident"? Sometimes we do this in art class and it works out OK in the long run! It helps to think " out of the box" to see what you can do to fix it. Maybe cut the upside down stencils out of the bag, make a patch in the shape of Santa Claus or a bell and glue them on right side up? I wish you a good day back at work and no pain in that hand.

I am making bread in the bread maker today. It takes a long time...4 hours....but looking forward to the finished product.

We made a grocery run yesterday into Selkirk, which is a town that is about 50 minutes south of us. It has a Walmart and a good Co-op grocery store as well as some other stores, like Winnipeg has.
It is just too busy now around the malls to shop in Winnipeg, especially on Saturday. We won't go there unless we have too until early in the New Year.
Mark, our son drove and helped his poor old mom who is pretty slow these days. I am not used to being slow, but my arthritis has been kicking up a storm.
We wanted to stock up because there is a snow storm coming with predicted two to three feet of snow. The shovels are ready, the cord for the block heater is found, the bird feeding station is all stocked up and so is the water we are ready! Bring on the snow.

Awe, poor Haiti...she didn't like Lucy? Well sometimes that happens. We have four dogs here right now...our two, our neighbours Maltese dog and our sons dog who is a Border Collie cross. They all get along well, but the cat isn't impressed.

The championship women's curling game for the Canada Cup is on is going to be a good one.

Have a great Sunday.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Sandra that is so disappointing but maybe you can fix it?

It will be hard to go back to work and it looks like we could get snow.

Haiti was maybe jealous or just being silly.

Ken's dog escaped again afraid of a lightning storm.

The neighbor caught her

I will download pictures now to see if any turned out.

Love mom