Tuesday, April 24, 2018


It is too hot to work out in the yard.
I decide to do my Bible study for to-morrow.

One question was to use a metaphor to describe your journey of faith. I am sitting out in the back under the shade of the umbrella and notice this little leaf floating all alone in the pond.  

I am like that leaf that started out young and fresh gaining strength from being apart of the branch.
There have been times of stormy weather when I was almost blown off.  The sky at times has been dark and the rain heavy and weighing me down.  

I have known times when I have felt a sense of anxiety aware of my weakness and failures.  Sin is apart of all our nature so I know I need forgiveness and grace.

The good years have been when I have been able to provide shade and beauty along with others on this tree.  We have been sustained by being together as equals.  

The day comes when I find I am falling and I am drifting along on a stream of water that is carrying me.

This is where I am today just floating along knowing I am still apart of something awesome.

I know I am not alone and that I have been liberated by the gift of grace and set free from having to perform.

So my journey continues.


beth bennett said...

very beautiful _ your loving husband

Anonymous said...

Yes, very nicely said, Beth.

Sandra said...

It is a nice time of year to sit around and contemplate the lilys. I wander my yard every day when I get home to see if anything new has decided to poke its head out of the dirt.

Oh, and I have eggs for you.


beth bennett said...

Thanks guys!

nancy-Lou said...

I love your story of the little leaf floating....as we do in life...float along through rough waters and smooth waters and yet we still go on! A beautiful story Beth. thank-you for brightening up my day.
I actually read this on the day you posted but am way behind in replies to your blog posts! it doesn't mean that I haven't read them...just that I haven't been home much in the last few days.

Love, Nancy