Monday, April 2, 2018


Yes I still believe in April Fool's day with Randy still up to his old trips.  Scaring people with a sign of the alligator in the pond with a creature looking like an alligator swimming there.

So when I phone to wish his happy birthday the man on the other end of the line tells me he is not
Randy.  I think he is tricking me.  But he was not as I had the wrong number.  The guy sure sounded like a nice guy and even like Randy.

Jane wanted to give us detailed instructions on how to get to her place but we said it was okay we knew the way.  We have not driven over there in years and made one mistake on the way there and on the way back.  We now are confident that we knew the way but we learn differently

I believed the sign that the young homeless boy held up to our car window that he was hungry and homeless.  As his eyes met mind I wished I could do more than give him a few dollars

Believe it or not dad is sending the Stem Cell Place a e-mail.
A first step!
I really believe that the new vitamins I am making sure he takes are helping him in some small way.

I have been taught over the years that Christianity was built on beliefs but now I am seeing it differently.  Breaking up with old beliefs is hard to do.  Yes I still believe that my faith contains deep treasures that can bring light into my world.

Jesus called the religious priests and scribes unholy
and he called the prostitutes and tax collectors holy.
They had nothing to hide and knew they needed to be forgiven and loved.

Jesus is unique seeing good in others we do not see!

Belief is a mystery but it is exciting that it can change influenced by many things that keep it alive!


Sandra said...

What new vitamins are you making him take? And knowing Randy you could not 100% the man on the other end of the line when he said he was not him.

beth bennett said...

Ha Ha

beth bennett said...

The vitamons are called Recovery.

They are exrea strngth and you are to take 10 a day.

He has taken up to eight a day
which is 2 four times a day.

Love mpm