Friday, April 27, 2018


The cherry blossoms cover our pond like snow.  The day grows colder and the sky darker.

Dad and I picked up Aneta, who has no car, and took her to Home Depot with us.  We did get our dirt and a few flowers.  I had been thinking I may just go with plastic flowers this year.  I think I am just getting old and tired.  We picked up the dirt, actually dad did and he was right we will need more.

Yes I am easily confused but I refuse to worry about it.  I think I have been this way for several years but I do not remember.
Dad could not resit this doggier with the light in it's mouth.  Yes those our fake flowers.

:The divine can be seen only in and through the human."

"If you cannot see God in the face of the hungry, thirsty, homeless, sick and imprisoned then you cannot see God at all.

God is present in the least of these.  (Matthew 25:31-46"

_Bishop Spong

So by doing a good deed I was given enthusiasm to replace the falling blossoms with Coral Bells which are deer resistant.  An interesting fact I did not know.  Not that I am expecting any deer.


Steady-as-rain said...

Dirt is good, and so is Bishop Spong.

I am off to Saskatchewan for a few days starting tomorrow.

Cherry blossoms are lovely.

The sleep test results are in but I have to wait a week to find out what they are.



beth bennett said...

Rick I hope you trip goes well.
I am glad you are taking an extra day before you return.
We sure do a lot of waiting and more waiting.

Dad and I were out this morning and had to wait in several lines.

Good to be home to watch hockey and Heartbeat!

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Good for you taking Aneta with you to Home Depot. The gardening stores don't have their plants out has been far to cold. I am thinking maybe next weekend they will. But being surrounded by a huge deep freezer, we are always two weeks later than most others. the ice won't be leaving the lake for another week at least and when there is a wind from any direction except south it comes straight off the ice. BRRRRR.

How are you enjoying the Bishop Spong book Beth? I liked the quote from there.

I hope Rick is feeling better and the test results were good.

We had quite a day of watching baseball and curling.I worked in the yard in between. It was nice and sunny but 14 degrees so had to wear a jacket.

Does Aneta live in an apartment? I was thinking maybe so if she doesn't have a car. that was nice of you and Larry to take her to Home Depot.

Our sons and their girlfriends are at their friends who are having a BBQ and horse shoe tournament.They look to be having a good time...they texted me some photos.

I wish you a lovely evening. I bet you will be watching hockey...the Jets play tomorrow. GOOOOO JETS!


beth bennett said...

No Aneta lives in a house. She walks everywhere or takes trans-set.

She is fixing up the house to sell it as she cannot afford it.

She sold the car her husband drove before he passed away.

I am reading the Spong book slowly and believe it is his best.

Yes we are waching the game.

Go Jets! Go!

Love beth