Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Every thought a prayer as we grieve with Theresa and Mikie, Ben and Morgan and family over the sudden death of Chuck.  A man devoted to his family with quiet strength  and courage.  We will all miss him very much and regret not having spent more time with him.  He shared his heart and his home with the family.  He and Mikie had a special relationship as they also worked together in the fixing of ires.

Chuck was a man whose influence  was with actions more than words.
He will be missed by us all.

Theresa and Mikie we love you !  We love you Morgan and Ben!

One of the hardest things to cope with is when our lives suddenly change and the future appears uncertain.

Today was an ordinary day and we were thankful to have a visit from Panteli.

Hugs always help!

Then it was off to the dentist.

In my prayers I am thankful for a God who comforts us and gives us the courage to face our fears and the unpredictable in all our lives.

Prayers also for Rick as he waits for the results  of his live 

The ground is now covered with blossoms.  


Sandra said...

Lots of shake ups at my work this week. A co -worker gave his notice, then my boss has been asked to resign and another co-worker (half my age) has been asked to replace him. My boss and I started with in a couple of months of each other and he has always allowed me complete control over my work so I am sad to know he will be leaving. I like the younger guy and fingers crossed he does take the job as I would not want to train a new boss.


beth bennett said...


a difficult time for all of you.

I hope the new boss works well with you.
It makes such a difference,

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

My goodness, Beth, what a terrible thing to happen to Mikes Dad. Sudden deaths are so difficult to deal with. You don't even have the time to say goodbye. Is this who Ben was staying with in Vancouver while he went to school and played with the White Caps?
I send my condolances to all the family. What a loss for the family.
We sure don't know what tomorrow will bring us do we?

These last few days have brought a lot of troubles....we lost our neighbour and a fellow who used to work for Carl's business too...so suddenly.

I hope the new boss for Sandra continues to let her do her work as she is used to doing...I am sure he will. She has been doing a good job all these years! fingers are crossed for you Sandra!

The Winnipeg Jets won again! one more to go! There will be a huge street party on Friday...all the overflow from those who cannot afford to buy the very expensive tickets or those who just coulnd't get tickets. Winnipeg is going crazy....it is all the talk on the radio and tv.

The wind has finally switched around to the south and that means warmer temperatures. I have some extra bird seed to feed the migrating birds. they have been very slow this year due to the extended cold period.

Well i am going to clean some windows today....get a head start.

I send hugs to all and wish you a great day Beth

Love, Nancy