Sunday, April 1, 2018


I attended church in the morning.

I stand up at church today to express our thanks for all the love sent to us.  The phone calls, the cards, the prayers and the amazing outpouring of food.  I did not want it to end.

Getting to know each other better with your visits.

Thank you all you have given us hope!

I am thankful we are a praying church.

As soon as I returned home we set off on the long drive to see my friend,Jane,  in West Van.  We have been such good friends and it was a joy to see her again.
She has a lovely apartment but finds it lonely without Geof.  She has hurt her foot and we both are not walking very well.  She is not able to drive so depends on others to help her get groceries and to visit Geof. We still find lots to laugh about!

Yes our children you to say we their parents did not understand them, now we say our children do not understand us.
This is the view from her apartment.

It was very cold and windy there.

We have always shared a lot in common with children the same age and our involvement at church
and walking and shopping together.
Now we share some of the aches and pains of old age.

A day to remember Christ has risen and we can continue to be surprise by joy and wonder!


Sandra said...

Glad to see you finally got out to see Jane. Mary is back at work today and the kids have gone to see Mike. I am supposed to be going to the laundry mat but did not yet, after lunch maybe as Mary will be coming home.

The sun is out most of the time, but it is cold and windy so were are inside more than outside.

The landlord was by today and I gave him my list of things to do to the house to be up to my standards before I leave. He said he would do them all so we will see.

Ooops, Mary will be home any minute so better look at what to throw together for lunch.

No signs of a baby yet, Shawna is due in 2 weeks from today.


beth bennett said...

I did phone Shawna but she was our=t.
Talked to Stephen.

Notan easy time for you but great you can be there for Mary!

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I am sure the parishoners really appreciated seeing you and also to here you thank-you for all their help when you had your hip fracture. Church people can make a strong army to get a lot done can't they?

Now that was so nice to see a photo of Jane...and that magnificent view of her from her apartment. gosh that must be at least 20 stories gives me the heebie geebies to be that high...truly does. I could never live there! but it sure is a lovely apartment for most people.

My cardiologist's office is 14 floors up and I get nervous being up there...don't like to look out the windows. I think of fire...and what a trap it is.

So you are expecting another great grandchild? Isn't that wonderful...and soon. Does that make # three for Shawna and Stephen? I know they have Lincoln...and trying to think if there is another...don't think so...must be two children.

It is going to be -30 tonight with the wind chill and I feel sorry for all the newborn babies on the farms and the wildlife as well. I was talking to a farmer at our Easter supper and he said the cows are just starting to calve now...but they make them a shelter and put a lot of hay and have a heat lamp for them. He was very interesting fellow. Apparently this is the 'polar vortex' and it will last most of the month of April.
Well as long as it keeps the snow and storms away that is fine with me.

It is snowing just south of us, snowing in alberta today and snowing in New York city where they had to cancel the Yankees opening game of the season.

I made cabbage roll soup today and it pretty good. We had it for supper along with pizza...( not me, I don't care for it ). I make a lot of homemade soups...I know what is in them then! none of that bad stuff. Next will be sausage and bean soup.

I heard the twin brothers are retiring at the end of the year from the Canucks. they have had quite an illustrious career with them haven't they?

have a lovely evening,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy Jane's apartment is on the 14th floor.

I would not go out onto the balcony.

Homemade soup is the best and I need to buy a few things to get started.

Shawna and Stephen have two boys Lincoln and Seeley and know waiting for the new aby to arrive.

We took a trip into the past to take some flowers to put on Larry's grandmother's grave.

We had a short visit with Kim.

Cold and frosty in the mornings.

I am thankful it is not snowing.

Love Beth