Tuesday, April 3, 2018


This is suppose to be a picture of my messy computer room into which I moved all the stuff from our bedroom.  We have moved out all the drawers, the end tables, chairs and table and clothes from the closet as instructed.

It was not easy.

It always looks easy when Sandra   and Randy do things.

Yes it will be exciting when our new rug is in place.

I have a meeting at the church so I will be out of the way

We will take our time moving things back in.


Sandra said...

Oh, is today the new carpet day! I hope you get a picture after it is all done. And yes it is lot of work moving things back and forth.

We have gotten ready for the wind storm today by getting all the yard toys under the back porch and all the boxes from packing put into the van. It is my job today to take them to the recycling .


beth bennett said...

Hi Sandra
Good to be prepared.

Hope thewind storm is not too bad.

Love mom