Thursday, April 19, 2018


Sandra you do not need to worry about this cat 
actually she is on a diet but still well fed.

 Panteli dropped by and brought Haiti over.  She was sooo happy to see us and Panteli and I walked over to the park with her and she had a little run.  A sunny day with a cool wind.

My camera battery will not charge so no knew pictures.

Great pictures of Sandra on Facebook as the best cat foster parent, along with Randy, there ever was!

I phoned Ken but he was at work so no time to talk.

Cut the grass and happy it is two small placed.  It grows so quickly with all the rain it is hard to mow through some spots.

Dad is unhappy with all the cancer on his face which is very red and inflamed and sore.  Hopefully it is a it better for going to Sandra and Randy's.  Is it lunch or dinner?  It is so important we keep in touch because life is too short to live in the past.

I am starting a new book by John Shelby Spong called "Unbelievable",  It will be challenging.

I know it will mean letting go of past beliefs and updating my faith with the hope it will be more alive and believable than ever.


Sandra said...

I think we will do supper, so come over about 4:30.

beth bennett said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Beth, I'll pick you guys up around 4:00.

nancy-Lou said...

I am so sorry to hear that Larry is having such a bad time with the cancer on his face. I know what it is like, although I only had the one lesion and it was removed and replaced with a skin graft. It is depressing for sure and painful. Feel better soon Larry. Hopefully the cream will help a lot.

Wasn't that nice of Panteli to bring Haiti over and go for a walk with you. I am sure you all were very glad to see them both. Dogs bring us so much happiness. I wish you could see more of Haiti.

My dogs are at my feet as I type. they follow me all over the house. We will go for a walk this afternoon. I have to take the bear spray as they are out now...haven't seen on in our yard, but can see where one cut through the underbrush. Probably at night.

How nice to be invited out for are blessed! But I don't need to tell you that!

have a great day,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes our family continues to do thoughtful things for us.

Leah is coming over with Astrid today.

Looking forward also to Sat.

Love Beth