Sunday, April 22, 2018


I have been putting things in boxes for the big sale at the church and found out yesterday it was too late to take things over because it was already over.

I do not know what happened with the vote but I think it is next week.

Dad and I were too late getting ready for church yesterday morning but we did have a good talk to Rick on the phone.  He is waiting for another appointment with the colonoscopy doctor.  He is now working regular days and coping better.

I also just found the wonderful jacket Ken left behind here.  I have just mailed it and it will be late getting there but it is on the way.  It is neverto lateto do or say the right thing!

The Net Flicks movie we were watching was about a Pentecostal minister who realized that he had been preaching the wrong message and he ended up losing his church and his friends and nearly his family.  He becomes a Unitarian minister with a new message that was a message on inclusion not separation.

You wonder why there are so many different churches when Jesus prayed we would be one.

We ended up going to the library and then coming home and having a quiet bit to eat on the back porch.  The pond is now running and the chairs are put out.  It is suppose to be warm again to-morrow.

Talked to Mary while dad worked on his income tax.

The way I am feeling right now I may even be too late for my own funeral.


Sandra said...

Well, you can still take them to a thrift store. If you pick a nice one that raises money for a good cause then it would almost be the same.

The ground is starting to dry out a bit which is a good thing since I am in the garden a lot already.

Pool is starting to warm up, so maybe it will be ready for for Kimberly and Hamlet when they house sit in May.


beth bennett said...

Yes my thoughts exactly!

Have a good day on the road and at work.
Love mom

Anonymous said...

What jacket? I am not sure what you are sending me?
It’s not the Australian rugby jumper I left for my friend Steve to pick up ?

beth bennett said...

O dear what have I done.

It is a hoodie size 10 that I thought was for Jasmine.

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.

I forgot all about that but he never came.

I do not know what to say.

Love you
