Sunday, April 8, 2018


There is a sadness as we attend church wondering if it will be the last time we share communion together in this place.

It is a place where we have gathered over the years to say farewell to many friends.
A time when we gathered to hear many stories about life!
Yes, the message of Easter is that love lives on even after death!

Church has always been a special place for me, a place of awesome music and a time to sit close to mom.

There is a greater sadness as we remember the tragedy of the Humbolt Team with those young boys with so much to live for are now taken from loving family and friends.  The country is in morning.

Dad remembers the many rides he had when he played hockey travelling around Saskatchewan.  They had one bad accident going in the ditch and their car was covered in a wall of snow.  There were other near misses when they were head on with a big truck.

It is at moments like this we rethink our lives and are thankful for near misses.  Dad and I had so many trips back to Calgary to see my parents and to Edmonton to see Sandra and the family. We drove in all kind of weather.

The visit with my parents was exhausting and every time I left I wondered  if  I would see them again. They both lived to be over 90.  Mom lived on for 4 years after dad passes away.  She was paralyzed with a stroke.  It filled my heart with sadness to see her that way. Waves of grief every time I left.

I sometimes dream of her and I feel her love for me once again.


nancy-Lou said...

My goodness, your church may close so soon? That would be so you said, there are so many memories there....weddings, funerals, baptisms, times of sharing together.

You must have been close with your Mom, Beth. It was nice to read about you sitting close to her in church, but sad to read that she had a stroke and lived on for a few years. It sure would be hard to see her like that. My parents died in the house was a terrible time, especially being an only child...but we get through somehow.
I didn't know your parents moved to Calgary from Saskatoon. How about Larry's? Did they remain in Saskatoon?

It is finally warming up a little and I am hoping that if I get my work done I can take the dogs for a walk. There is bright sunshine and the temperature is 1C above zero, which it hasn't been for a long long time.

I made 24 cupcakes and now have to make lemon filling for them and then I want to take some over to my sons girlfriends daughter. She is only 24 and her boyfriend broke up with her on the weekend. I want to cheer her up.

Have a great day,
Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

Beth is that photo on your blog of a stained glass window at your church? It is very nice.

Sandra said...

I am home! Safe and sound? As usual have a terrible cold. Went to work today but just for 3 hours. I was coughing so hard felt like I was going to throw up and I could not see the computer screen very well as my eyes hurt.

My ears hurt a lot when landing as they would not pop but they are feeling a bit better today.

Hurts to go outside and look at my garden even with the clouds but my camellia bush is blooming and daffodils, but none of the tulips yet.

Mary has a very cute little house and as usual I right away am thinking of all of the things to do to the yard. The man that owns the house has done lots in the inside of the house, but the yard is all uneven and bumpy and has just a few lilac bushes it looks like. Lovely old street with big huge trees in some of the yards. It will be so nice in the summer, with all of the young families there and all of the kids outside playing.


beth bennett said...

Welcome Home Sandra
I hope you can get rested up,ut maybe a trip to the doctor is in order.

What a big help you must have been to Mary and the children.

Phone when you feel better.

Nancy that is our church window. One of several
that we saved up to have installed.

I did not know your parents died in the fire.

How tragic.

We healed but it is not easy.
