Wednesday, April 4, 2018


It was a difficult decision but just a bit of color.
The missing eye drops have been found.
They were the most expensive ones!
They moved the day forward.
It is hard to make decisions when you are tired.

The meeting at the church was about supporting an orphanage in Mexico and also about 
the vote on closing the church.  One easy and one difficult decision.  

The minister  wants .to hear all the different opinions.  It is hard for those who have grown up in this church and cannot think of going anywhere else.  It was a good discussion.

I am going to call it a day.  The bed is made and all our medications are inplace.


nancy-Lou said...

I hope you and Larry didn't have to move the bed and heavy furniture....that is a lot of work getting the bedroom ready for the carpet layers. I am glad you are going to call it a day! Did you go to bed and read?
The carpet is a lovely colour...nice and soft and a warm colour too.

haha...I bet you found the missing eye drops under the bed! They can be pretty expensive. We found that out when we had our cataracts done.

What a sad thing to hear of your church maybe having to close. I guess the number of parishoners is down and there are a lot of costs to keeping a church going. So far our church is still going...but the numbers are way down. Everyone who does go are grey headed. The younger people are not interested in religion unless they are evangalists.

It is nice though to go to another church. We did that when we rented for the winters on Vancouver Island. Lovely churches.

I have a dog groomer booked to come to the house on happy to be able to have Max and Bella done. They have long shaggy coats with a few matts...and their nails need to be done. they are very long now.

It is still winter here and I just saw on facebook a photo my friend from St. Georges put on last year of the Winnipeg River breaking up and it is frozen solid still. Lake Winnipeg will probably not break up until the long weekend in May. the ice is extra thinck...5 feet due to the lack of snow on it.

Well I am all set up to start a painting of Black eyed Susans in a garden I think I will love and find it hard to part with. I have to get started on inventory for the Boreal shores Art Tour in August, a two day event.

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

A lot of hard work but you will be happy with the end result once everything is back in I am sure.

I will be looking forward to going home and not doing any furniture moving for quite a while!


beth bennett said...

Good idea!