Sunday, April 15, 2018


The neighbors look through the box of Kim's pottery that we put out in advance of clean-up day.
The young boys have already taken some home but their mom said they had enough stuff already.So they had to bring it back.
Today the whole box was emptied one by one.

Today I was too tired to go to church but try to do some vacuuming but dad helped me finish.  His face has broken out with pre- cancer sores and he has put the ointment on it that burns   He sees his skin cancer doctor on Tuesday.  He knows dad knows what to do but it is good to have him look at things too.

Cliff and Maryrise hosted our gt together.
John and Pat keep in touch with us regularly and got the group to meet.  Everyone is busy.
Dad with Nick and Dorena.  She was in hospital when I was after being very badly hurt after a car turning right hit her.  She was wearing white and in a cross walk.  She has been a brick about it all.

"Nothing s special as friends who meet picking up their conversations as if we had not been apart
for over a year."  Dorena

I am reminded of the sacredness of all life.


Sandra said...

That is funny Kenny thought you were calling the lady a coolie. Randy is working tonight but had to have a nap before he went. It will be a long night for him being so sick.

I continued moving some plants around and started on a new mini garden on the west side of the house. The ground is still saturated so I really should not be mucking around in there yet.

Dont forget to pencil in dinner on Saturday. Randy and I should be germ free by then.


nancy-Lou said...

isnt that nice that Kim's pottery found new homes! re-cylcing is a great idea. I think I will have to do that! In the summer when I have more than enough vegetables for ourselves I put a box out by the road and sell them cheaply.

I am glad that you know when you are tired and stay home Beth. No sense going out if you don't feel up to it.
But that was nice to see the pictures and to see your old study group.

I was out at the clinic seeing my doctor in Pine Falls today. What a beautiful clinic it is. Lots of beautiful things there... a waterfall, large carvings of bears, a native healing centre where they can cook their own food...I always meet someone there who is very nice. today as I was sitting outside in the sun a native lady...well i think i should be saying aboriginal lady, was sitting there too and we started to talk.
It was so interesting talking to her. She was from one of the reserves about a 100kms north of Pine Falls. it is fairly remote. She was telling me about her grandbaby passing away at 6 months old...oh my that must be hard for the family. Just happened in January.

The whole health centre had a code orange for a week...I asked the security guard there about it. There is the hospital, nursing home and clinic and they were all shut down for a week. No one could go in...just staff. They received multiple threats and an employee was attacked with a knife. Even emergency was closed. So now you have to go past the security guards to get in. there is so much meth addictions on the reserves and in the Pine Falls town itself. They are crazy people and will do anything to get their drugs.

Yes, I too, am reminded of the sacredness of life, Beth. today we heard that an ex employee of my husband was found sitting against his door with his jacket and sunglasses on. He was 55. His faithful dog was barking for two days so a neighbour went over to see what was wrong. Whatever killed him must have been sudden. he lived alone. A really nice guy. Our son Bob was shocked to hear this...he and this chap went to carpentry school together.

So one never knows do they? Life is sacred and each day is precious.

Well I have to make supper and chips. The fish is pickerel from our lake and it is yummy.

Have a lovely evening,
Love, Nancy