Monday, April 9, 2018


This is another church window.  Can you tell it is a sailing boat?  The journey our little community has made together has been very rough at times.  Several poor choices of ministers and some tragic deaths of younger people.  There will be a vote at the end of April to decide what the fate of our church will be.  It is a beautiful warm and healing place.

I am thankful that Sandra has travelled home safely but distressed about her bad cold and cough
Always good to hear those words "I am home."

I also worry about my children when they travel.  Ken has made so very many trips over here on a very  long journey.  We would love to be able to visit him and his family but with dad's failing health that just is not possible.

Then there were all the journeys Sandra has made with her family.  I remember Mary and her coming the week before my lung surgery and doing some wall papering. I always worried about them too,

Rick also has made the trip from Kamloops in bad weather and in bad health.  We are hopeful that he will improve in health.

We look forward to Carol coming in July for a short while.

We are traveling from this season to the next and one day is bitter cold and a day like to day sunny and mild.

As dad and I continue to travel together we are thankful to have each other and also all our family

I am thankful for a family that has learned to forgive and forget!.


Sandra said...

It does seem like I am always traveling here and there. Next will be up to Edmonton for Adena's wedding and to see the new baby. We are considering driving rather than flying. I am good with either as I would be happy to save the money but also like to get home. Will have to decide soon as it is just over a month away.

I am hoping to do a full day today at work, but will see how it goes.


beth bennett said...

Give yourself time to heal.

Your next trip will be here before you know it.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, those are beautiful church stained glass windows. Very contemporary. Lovely design and colours. Yes I can see the sailing boat as well as the dove of peace. Thank-you for posting them. I enjoyed them.

Yes, even when our children are adults we still worry about them...travelling especially. Itis always good to hear, Mom, I am home!
sorry to hear that Sandra has a cold and must have been hard for her to fly with that. she would need to get some rest after such a busy and hectic time. Feel better soon, Sandra.

Yes we are fortunate to have each other if one forgets the other usually remembers and we help each other as you and Larry do too. Having our son living with us means I get spoiled with some of the everyday vacuuming and cleaning. He does dishes too...but if he has a long work day, I don't let him.

Poor Saskatchewan is getting hit with another snow storm...lots of snow. We are fortunate that we live in Eastern Manitoba and it isn't coming is going down to the USA.

Larry sent me his new story by email today and it was such a pleasure reading it. He writes very well and sure can tell a story! Well done Larry!

I am off to Winnipeg tomorrow...have a few errands to do and some grocery shopping. then thursday I have an art class here at my home. Just a small one. A week Saturday I have a workshop with about 12 people. It is at our local community centre. I rent a room there. I love teaching and really look forward to it.

Are you watching the Jets play in the play offs? they came second in the National Hockey League..not just in their division. The game won't be on CBC...they are broadcasting toronto's will be on sports net. good thing we have that.

Have a good evening and a good sleep,
Love, nancy

beth bennett said...

We just learnt Rick was driving in Saskatchewan today.
A long trip from Saskatoon to Meadow Lakeway past Prince Albert.
No wonder he is very tired to night.

It is a beautiful church.

No we did not watch hockey but will be doing soon.

Have a safe journey to Winipeg.

Love beth