Tuesday, April 3, 2018


I wish we knew more about Larry's grandmother, Nellie.  I did spend time with herwhen she lived with us but I cannot remember much of what we talked about.  It was a busy time for me with four small children to care for too.  They had to all be in one bedroom.  Thankfully we has bunk beds.

I believe she was a strong woman whose life was filled with grief over the loss of twwo boys during the war.  Also her husband died young at 60.  This meant that Larry was very important to her. (I realize that even more as I have grand children now and great grand children.

He took care of her as her health failed and he was so happy to have her move into a Care Home that he and his best friend Garth had planned and biold together.  He was with her at the end.  Shewas born in Burmingham England and same to Canada when she was 18.

Dad has been reliving some of his past as a hockey player and ir traffic controller.  He is also trying to figure out when we met.  We remember our irst date just around Christmas but are not sure of the date.

I do not remember much about my teen years but I know he was not my first boyfriend but he was the one who captured my heart.  


Sandra said...

There is a lot to remember by your age, so I can see how things may not be exactly clear.

Looks you guys have been having pretty nice weather. It is still cold and windy here and the radio is calling for a blizzard by the sounds of it tonight, 100 kl hr wind and rain snow.

We have Riley for the first time today. Mary had forgotten to leave the key for her old house and the deal closes today so I walked to her work with Riley, just over 20 minutes each way. After living in an apartment for the past 5 days he seemed to appreciate the big walk.

We still have a some photos to put up on the wall and Simone's bedroom curtain but pretty much settled in now. Mary's internet and cable gets hooked up on Thursday.

We have Sebastien birthday on Thursday and since she has the day off we planned on going to a near by aquarium but now she has so many banking and stuff to do that has to be during the week I think our plans will change.

Randy is back at work for the fist time since I left today.


beth bennett said...

I do not have Mary's new address so cannot send a car.

Have a good birthday together.

Nice to have Rilley.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

I am very glad to see the photographs of you and Dad at Granny's grave.

Remembering can be tricky, and bittersweet. The man Gerry who originally trained me at Skeetchestn in 1988 passed away just a few days ago. You might have met him briefly but no reason you should remember.

I am reading an interesting book on whether Jesus was actually a real person. The author thinks so and I agree. However, the really interesting thing I have come across so far is the author's suggestion that the very first Christians in the year or two immediately after Jesus's death (that is, the ones that Paul originally persecuted - the ones I am really interested in) did not necessarily contend that Jesus had risen from the dead. In this view of things, the idea of rising from the dead was possibly Paul's contribution or, at least, the author says, a Christ that had risen was more acceptable to Paul. Very intriguing.

The snow has mainly melted.

