Thursday, June 25, 2009


My cherry tree is my temptation tree! Much more tempting than an apple tree, but both were tempting as children to sneak and pick!

I love reading because it touches deep with in your heart and it carries you away into another world so that this world becomes so real you have to keep reading. It brings strength and joy and inspiration to our souls longing for something deeper and mysterious.

"The woman took a quick breath, opened her eyes, sat up and looked around. She was sitting on a riverbank, surrounded by flowers and an abundance of plant life. Every variety of bird and animal stood, perched or floated nearby, watching her. She was young, she was beautiful and she was naked."

"Hundreds of pairs of eyes silently watched her as she struggled to absorb everything in sight. Everything-everything-was entirely new to her and she was overwhelmed by the beauty and wonder of it all."

"Ant then she noticed one pair of eyes watched her with greater intensity. They belong to a creature whose life form was much like her own. She sensed a kinship with this being whose body glowed softly within"

This was her creator and this is the beginning of a native story about creation. She actually had fallen through a hole in the sky. The world was created as beautiful and peaceful and the gift of words were a miracle that allowed expression and understanding.

"That was the moment when we were given the sacred responsibilities that shape our lives. That was the moment that shaped how we think and what we believe."

I have never really imagined the story of creation but in this story of native spirituality it is alive and real and draws you in to want to read more. I still love the Bible version that starts "In the beginning God [the holy sacred One whose very heart beats in all creation] created the heavens and the earth. He created us with a soul, an awareness to experience joy and wonder, pleasure and generosity, fear and anxiety, sadness and grief. We were created to share ourselves intimately with one another; to listen and to care and to help bear each other's burdens especiall in our thoughts and prayers.

My first memerories are going to the library with mom and coming home to read about "Babar the Elephant". It is wonderful to snuggle up close and listen to a story. Thank you mom! [I think of many things I never really thanked my mom for]

Reading has helped me through difficult times to escape into the jungle of another's thoughts and experiences. I started reading mystery stories Agatha Christy and then Perry Masion. I then went on to read true life stories about lawyers and I still like stories about court battles.

I found solace in reading as did the bone and rag man in "The Guernsey Literary and Potatoe Peel Pie Society" He becomes excited when he reads the words of Mr. Carlyle "Does it ever give you pause, that men used to have a soul--not by hearsay alone, or as a figure of speech, but as a truth that they knew, and acted upon!" One can believe one has a soul not because of the words of a preacher not even believing the Bible [which I do] but feeling it in your own heart in the grace of silence.

I guess that is enough for today. Now for my questioning family. I talked to my friend who has re occuring shingles. They come as a very painful itch which I find makes me feel weak and tired and yes irritable. I have her special oitment that really helps and also the anti-viral meds. Which reminds me I had better go down and take my medicine. I am better at reminding dad but sometimes cannot remember if I have taken a pill or not. Pat asked me if I am feeling stressed. The noise on the roof is stressful and I have been getting overtired. I will probably see Jane today but will not go visiting. I need my two naps a day now.

In fact I recommend napping as well as reading! I must admit that reading when I am tired puts me to sleep.


Anonymous said...

In the beginning was the word.



Anonymous said...

We are going to try and read some small chapter books this summer with the kids. We just started Pippi longstocking. She was a very quirky little girl. Ben is way more interested then Morgan though.
