Tuesday, June 30, 2009


All the bad germs are getting eaten up by the invaders and I am feeling sick to my stomach again. But I saw a wonderful lady doctor yesterday at the Hilltop Clinic and she thinks I had the shingles, the last fight of that losing battle. Her name is Dr. Mercer maybe she is new to the clinic.

I am very low in spirits especially about creating those silly albums so I am saying the Serenity Prayer and am giving up for awhile. I know it is so easy but I just make one wrong move and there they go down in a row.

Dad is complaining there are too many daisys in the front garden I am sure this is all God's fault maybe he likes daisys.

I am not going to read "Jesus mean and wild" just now I do not think I can handle a mean Jesus.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Pie Society is very sad right now talking about the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp and it makes me feel sick at heart, soul sick, just to read about the awful conditions. How can people be so evil.

Anyway I am looking forward to a visit by Theresa, Ben and Morgan. They slept over at Kim's and went to her soccer game. Theresa already knows more about Celiac than I do. She thinks if I get completely strict I may get more energy so I am trying to be better. I could have bought this big piece of cake for $3.50 which is silly. Maybe I will get all excited about cooking and if dad does the cleaning up that would be wonderful.

Anyway I have nothing to say today so I hope the comments are profound!


Anonymous said...

The daisy's will only be too much for a week, then you can cut them all down.
Better to read a funny or uplifting book I figure when you are fighting an illness.
I will call and see if I can get into that lady doctor too.
Nothing profound on my end. Was very tired after work yesterday, but got my flowers watered and watched Eli Stone.

Anonymous said...

Now would be a good time because Dr. Nolte is away. It is nice to have a lady I think men doctors have these preconceived notions about WOMEN.

Well dad sure did not like having the female hormones take over his body and his emotions etc.

Everytime I get sick Dr. Nolte is not there! Love mom I hope you are not so tired today your body has been through a lot of time changes etc.

Anonymous said...

I want to read the wild Jesus book. Sounds like the author might be somebody brilliant and who would agree with me!

The photo's are good. The album thing will work out (it is just a facebook thing).



Anonymous said...

I like the daisy picture!