Saturday, June 13, 2009


A very cool morning I started out on my long walk with Janet but came running back to grab dad's sweater. He was thinking of taking our car in because some fluid was leaking. He fixed the pond which had broken again ; those nasty raccoons. Dad is determined to kill our weeds with viniger so is squirting them one by one.

I rested at the bus stop on my way home from the ridge.

The funeral was too long. One girl tried to describe her relationship with Linda but in the last few years they had become estranged. Linda was brilliant and written beautiful music and she sang with her guitar. She worked with us in the National Party so she was interested in politics. But she was also very difficult and she had had a tragic life. She lost her five children after receiving experimental treatment in a mental hospital.

Her case was taken up by Thomas Berger and written about in "One Man's Justice." Her son spoke briefly he had been the only one in touch with his mother and this had happened in the last few years when she had become ill. Her other four daughters never knew her but two were at the funeral.

Dad had met Linda again while visiting at Peace Arch and also had net her son so they had a good chat. Oue friend Pat had been a faithfriend but Linda became impossibe and very demanding so their friendship had cooled.

Dad had a few goodies and a few sandwiches so did not feel hungry for supper. We watched the hockey game but the long walk and sitting on the hard pews made my back ache; not real bad with the sharp pain, but bad enough so that I couod not sit comfortably. I went upstairs and lay on the bed which is the best thing to do.

Today we are waiting for Kim to arrive with Rockie, the dog, who we are taking to Chilliwack with us. We will go to the dance recital with Morgan and Ben. Ben is taking hip hop which is very active dancing but not really programmed for a performance so we hope his part turns out better than the practice did.

Sandra and Randy are off to Victoria to look at a special car.

The news is out about Melina and Kenny having a baby!

Rick as we all know from face book is still buying books. I do not know how he gets time to read them all. He must burn the midnight oil. I often nod off when I try to read.

I have net a new friend at the Nursing Home who was a librarian and we have enjoyable visits even though she is very forgetful. She loves to hear about all my children, the grands and the greats, so she still likes a good story. With my family there is always sometime going on!
I am so thankful so very thankful for a family that can forgive and forget the past mistakes. I love you all so much!

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