Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Broke out in itchy rash on my arm and felt like it was coming on my face so went over to our clinic. It was packed. So since we were happy to get out of our noisy house we drove to the Hilltop Clinic in White Rock. Only a couple of people were there.
The doctor gave me the anti-viral med. amd sent me for blood tests, one that has to be sent away into Vancouver. We had lunch at Milestones and then drove to Chilliwack. We were picking up clothes to take to the Oak Ave. Church. They have never had so many people coming in.

Watched Ben play scoccer and he scored several goals and had a great time. Morgan went shopping with Grandpa and was very good, then she curled up on the chesterfield and went to sleep.

Got home exhausted but feeling okay. When we enter our house now you feel like a mole with the windows covered with boards. They will be doing our roof for at least two more days.


Anonymous said...

It is not the return of your bad rash is it? How is the weather down there? It is going to be hot here, plan on driving to Toronto tommorrow to see Casa Loma gardens. I think I will need to buy a sun hat. See you all soon.

Anonymous said...

When do you get the results back? How is your back , any pain ?
We are going for blood test today as well , for Melina , to check on the baby's health , which is normal for ten weeks ..

beth bennett said...

It feels like it but it is very itchy and has spread down my arm. I could feel it on my face too.
But the medicine is working and there is no pain just very itchy.

Anonymous said...

My back hurts a lot when I get over-tired but resting really helps.