Sunday, June 21, 2009


The banging and hannering and ripping was giving us headaches so we thought we would drop by Sandra's and Randy's. Both would be busy but Randy would take time to show us his dream car. He is busy making the shed and it looked great by the time we left.

Now dad never losses his wallet with his driver's license and cards in it. Never!
He comes in and places it with his phone on the kitchen center isle. Well, the phone was there but no wallet. We began frantically looking for it wanting desperately to get away from the jarring noise above us. We looked everywhere and I mean everywhere. I even emptied out the garbage tore the chesteerfields apart etc.

We had given up when dad found it sitting with some wine bottles in the dining room. Was it me well I suppose it must have been me and that scares me. I do not remember touching it. Dad was just happy to have found it!

I had made a huge amount of deviled eggs for the shower and put them in the frig. at Sandra's house. and they were there at the end of the day. I had been reminded several times that I was to bring them.

It was so good to see Sandra having so much fun along with Theresa, Suki, Kim and Shawna. Yes, the secret is out Shawna flew down with two of Mary's friends from Edmonton. Carol still looks a little pale and tired from travelling. She and Panteli had played golf the day before.

Oliver was a good help putting up the picture frame from the tree [Theresa said her dad used to do this and I sorta remember] and markers on the driveway and I carried ballons to the stop sign to show people the way.

We played games and had lots of fun laughing and being silly. I will not mention the unmentionables Mary got as presents except from her still old fashioned grandma. Also she received a lot of gift certicicates for gas and meals and a stay at a hotel and lots of candy to eat along the way.

Dad's stomach is a little upset so he came home and watched the golfing after doing a bit of shopping around. Our family destroys or loses or washes cell phones with amazing ease. Dad would be lost without his cell phone.

Today the girls from Edmonton are heading home and Randy and Sandra are heading down east to visit family. One of Randy's aunts is very sick so it is good he can have a farewell visit.

Sometime today we are heading over to Carol's to have a father's day lunch.
Maybe the deviled eggs will be there. I will send Chris an e-mail or give him a call.

Now we will decide where to go to church probably Colebrook.

I am now reading "How Jesus became a Christian" It promises to be controversial. As if I don't get enough of the controversail.

Rick is not coming down too busy with his paper!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun was had by all at the shower.

I hope the roof repair goes smoothly and quickly!



Anonymous said...

HeyMom, sorry to say, you will not get any devlilled eggs.I brought them out and every single one was eaten, even people who dont normaly like them said they were the best they had ever had. I said of course, they were made by grama, hers are always the best.
I am tired and sore today and can hardly talk. Slowly getting packed and will head to the airport soon.
Thanks for coming, see you in a week.