Friday, June 26, 2009



I am feeling so much better today and even my mind seems clearer. I am not so full of energy that I could climb the grouse grind; nor will I go for my big walk with Janet, but I will be able to enjoy my reading and maybe I will treat dad to the White Spot. He made himself beans for supper and seemed quite happy. He did all the running back and forth to the store.
But first I will try a short walk and I am praying I will not feel so irritable.
I thought it was interesting in my Guernsey Literary Society it all starts because one older man finds a book by Charles Lamb with the name written inside the cover. She writes for the newspaper so he is able to get in touch with her. Living on the island where are very few books he writes to her to ask where he can get another book by the same author.

This starts a correspondence with her and he explains that the book club was invented as a way for people to get together in the midst of very difficult times with the German occupation. She wants to write about the people on this island and how they coped living with fear and restrictions and little food to eat becasue the Germans took their animals and their food so they made things like potatoe peel pie.

It is fiction but all the characters that live on the island are delightful and of course there are always some mean and difficult ones.

"What is the practical, moral and philosophical value of reading" is the question one man asks who has always been too busy to read. I cannot immagine not reading even not having several books ready for me to start.
A book store is my favorite place to shop and as I look at all the books I think hasn't everything been said.

Every book I read I find gives me a different view on life and as I read I write down what makes me stop and think.

"Men are more interesting in books than they are in real life."

"Did any of you think that along about the time the notion of a SOUL gave out, Freud popped up with the EGO to take it's place?"

"a mind can make friends with anything."

Anyway I could go on but I am in awe of those who write and bring ordinary life to life with humour and honesty. My books are my friends and I am delighted when an author I like produces another volume.

I like writing my thoughts down in the morning when my mind seems clearer and my thoughts have an energy all their own. I do not like reading over what I have written so I guess that is why we have editors.

"Man did not climb out of the slime" that I heard on the T.V.

Yes, In the beginning was the Word and out of that Word life was created.
I am continually amazed by each one in our family, so different yet so loving and caring. I thank the Dear Lord daily for you all! ! !

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