Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The newspaper report says "Australian spike may push swine flu level to pandemic ." New cases in Australia have jumped to more than 1000 on Monday and has hit Melbourne and Victoria very hard.

I had no idea this was happening. Kenny had to take Matthew to the hospital for a burn on his arm and he will see that doctor again Thrus.
But now Melina and Natthew are running temperatures, Melina is sick to her stomach and feeling all achy. Ken was going to try and see the doctor regarding Matthew's temperature but doctors are not taking patients but you can wait in a line and hope to see them.

We are very concerned for them all.

We wish we could be there but the best we can do is send our love and our prayers.


Anonymous said...

Melina is still sick. Could just be morning sickness??
The doctor said to keep giving matthew panadol. His temp is down . We have two Dr apponts today at the same time 80 Km apart .One for Melina at her baby DR and one for Matthew at the burn unit at sunshine hospital.

Anonymous said...

We would phone if we knew when we would like to hear your news.
love mom