Sunday, June 7, 2009



I am searching for deeper spiritual meaning in my life that reveals to me how I can be more helpful and useful. I would like to have more energy to keep the passion of the spirit alive as well as more energy for my physical body.

I bought some packets of a sports drink that promised "energy, stamina, mental focus and recovery. Great promises but did not work for me yesterday I came home and had a two hour sleep and even then had a hard time waking up. The church meeting in the morning was lively and fun and I enjoyed it.

I ask myself this morning what does Jesus the Christ promise me. He promises his heart of unconditional love and compassion. Everything has a deeper spiritual meaning and purpose.

Jesus, a tiny baby that could have been cradled in my arms has become a man of authority so gifted he challenges us all to grow and change. I believe when he said shake the dust off your feet he meant the dusty past of church doctrine that has held people captive instead of allowing them to be free.

Jesus takes my painful experiences and they become like shadows that disappear. I need to be honest and face my false beliefs that have only been disillusions. Spirituality must be ethical as well an inward presence of holiness.
Life and death are a reality as is sickness and sinfulness. Sin is our failure to love and to accept one another and our failure to see injustice. Jesus healed the deaf, gave sight to the blind, forgave sin but he did not raise up an army to kill with the sword. The sword he puts in our hands is the living word that speaks to us individually.
I came home yesterday and slept for several hours. The promise of great new energy did not happen.
Younger people are not attending church because they are too busy or see no need of it or are very critical of all it stands for. As long as one stands outside the door and remains closed to the mystical spiritual ideas that are waiting to be experienced by those open and willing to embrace new thoughts and ideas. I have always thought I was more of a Mary who sits at the feet of Jesus than a Martha who is busy preparing food.
Our picnic was fun it was simple and we finished by stopping at an ice cream place where we had to choose from a great variety of flavours. Religion or spirituality also comes in many flavors.
Jesus promised joy in the midst of difficulties and the unfairness of life.
I read the news paper and I feel cold and numb; blank and empty of hope.
Jesus brings warmth and promise that good can overcome evil not in a preety way but sometimes with bloody sacrifice!
D-Day reminds us of all those who died for our freedom and their stories live on and remind us never to take freedom for granted.
Faith in the energy of the love of Jesus heals and restores me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one Mum.