Tuesday, June 9, 2009


We enjoy a visit with Shara and Addison, Theresa and Ben and Morgan
Morgan loves to dance and get her picture taken

Addison is serious while Morgan looks on and Ben spends time out for playing too rough. He played very well after Theresa had a little talk to him

We need, well I need, to keep a sense of humour; or else I would just feel like quiting life all together. If you look carefully I have three pairs on me.

Can you see them? This is a little exaggerated but very close to the truth.

When I look around me and see all the crazy animals that give us joy just looking at them. I look at our family and see many different personalities and wonder why we are so different. Children are a wonderful source of fun and even Jesus suggested being like a child again to really see life.
Besides loosing things I am putting on shirts inside out and never notice until I look in the mirror. I do not like looking in the mirror and seeing how old I am looking. I am learning to laugh at that too!
I now have a reputation on the street for the mad waterer as I water to try and keep the transplanted flowers from dropping and dying. So first thing in the morning and last thing at night out I go.
And what kind of house keeper finds pine needles from the Christmas tree in June? Me of course!
I think one of the gifts of old age is suppose to be wisdom, so it is aging to saging. Sounds okay but I still find myself awake at night with many unanswered questions stirring and unsettling me.
I am still learning and processing this life. I can remember little accidents my children had; Rick cut his tongue standing up in his high chair and need stitches. Sandra burnt her hand putting twisers in the electrical socket. Carol got hit by the Milk Truck riding her bike. Kenny cut his forehead on the fireplace.
Parenthood is tough but I have always felt a love that brings me joy as we go through our difficult times. I am determined to keep an open mind as well as an open heart and keep praying for things to work out.
Today it is off to the bird sanctuary with Kim to celebrate her birthday.


Anonymous said...

Mom, why dont you start writing down the answers to all of these questions. I mean, who says they are the definative correct answer or not, they are your answers. And I am very glad that you are watering all of the flowers, we apreciate it (this is the royal we, as in I am queen of the flowers, I have decided I am a bit nuts about them)

Anonymous said...

I have already forgotten them.

Dad is very confused about the bed exchange. You take our bed and we get Mary's is that right?

When do Mary and Michael John arrive?

Rick also plans to come in June. I hope there will be a bed here!