Monday, August 16, 2010


I caught two naughty raccoons trying to ripe up the hose that goes to our pond. I carefully shooed them away. One good reason to be up early in the cool of the morning. Another hot day which I find drain me of energy but I am so thankful not to be having to work out in the hot sun. Our neighbor Cathy has been cutting down a huge amount of overgrown trees; and it was so Nice this morning to see all the big branches loaded in her neighbor's truck ready to be taken away.

There was a good meeting at church as we were informed about the new minister coming in November and meet the minister who will be filling in till he comes. I am excited he sounds excellent and also we will be sharing our building with another church group that will meet in the afternoon. Things are looking good. I hope we will be challenged in our faith and maybe even bring some of those who have left back and attract new younger people.

Humility is the secret of greatness. This is the message in Mark 9, Matthew 18:1 and Luke 9:46. Humility is a hard lesson to learn but once you know the secret to life you know how you can try to live it. Problems need to be caught early and dwelt with as a community open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, willing to follow Jesus, and filled with grace and love.

The message mentioned yesterday about how the wounded and help one another and yes we have all been wounded in life and for some the scars have not healed. Hopefully we will be a sensitive healing place for all who come.


Merry Sunshine said...

I like the quote from Mark....but wonder what is the definition of humility? Is it what the Buddhist monks practice? Giving up all their possessions to live a simple life? To live much the way Christ did?
I would have liked to live a simple life, and not be a slave to my many of us are today. The more we want the more we get and the more hasselled we become. There is to much of Me, me and myself...instead of what can I do for others. Do we need to shed our selfishness and begin to think of how we can help our neighbours and friends and even strangers?
I try to live a simpler life now, but after 66 years it is not an easy thing as we become accustomed to our things and our way of life.
Good food for thought me thinking on a morning when my brain does not want to get in gear!
love to you,

Anonymous said...

So you will have another temp minister? Randy is gone? And the real full time one has been chosen? Sounds like good progress. Sorry I did not drop by on the weekend, the heat and the mental exhauston of the robbery just left me very blah, oh and I have decided I have kidney stones!

Anonymous said...

I don't like raccoons. Be careful with them. They can be dangerous.

