Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I have done it again. Every word has gone and I am feeling dumber and dumbier.

This will be shorter. We drove into town on an extremely rainy day yesterday. The heaviest rain in years. The streets were alive with umbrellas which made them very colourful. Dad had a good visit with the eye doctor but couln't find his hat as he went to leave. I rescued it from a small garbage pail.

Obama has decreed that the Iraq combat mission is over and it is time for them to take responsibility for their own people. I would not want my sons fighting in any war and was proud of Canada when it had a role as peace keepers.

Stephen and Shawna arrived last night by a jet plane and will be busy shopping and talking and visiting even if it is raining. Surprise surprise it is not raining this morning and I had my rain pants all ready to put on for my walk.

Lots of hugs and fun over the next few days as one by one family gathers.


Anonymous said...

did you cry? swear? or just sigh and go get a second cup of coffee? Sandra

Anonymous said...

I just got mad and said why am I doing this anyway. O well I will write a few lines and get some coffee later.
love mom
P.S. What are the plans? Should we drop by about 11?

Anonymous said...

Jasmine crawled for the first time yesterday.