Monday, August 16, 2010


I wondered why I had trouble seeing today until I just discovered right this moment one of the lenses is out of my glasses. I read the paper and I see so much darkness ahead and doubts can easily come into your mind.

There is so much wrong in our world today
pain and suffering,
dishonesty and corruption
world disasters
cruelty in religion as well as in government.

I joined the church hoping that there would be answers and reassurances. Religion is like a boat that is leaking and us older people do not have the energy to keep bailing out the water. Do not get me wrong I believe that there has been great good done and will continue to be done if we can inspire the young people to create a better world.

I realize that most of us are fighting to survive and pleasure is our goal. This is human nature. We do need joy in our lives and I have found that spiritually there can be joy even when we have doubts. Yet, we need to be aware of the interdependence of survival.

"I am amazed both by the capacity of living things to survive in the harshest and most demanding of environments" John Shelby Spong.

Animals find safety in herds and only those who become separated and isolated are vulnerable to the predator. Religion was born out of a need to cope and to conquer.
The God that we have created has to be replaced by a God who drives us out to the wilderness to face reality. From an early age we have been aware of death as we have seen our parents grieving over the death of their loved ones. We have seen pets die and felt that the pain would never go away. Dad says the church is dying; but I do not agree. Somehow out of pain and death new life continues. We are told we become stronger through facing diversity.

Can the church survive in this modern world?

Salvation is finding that within us there is strength and courage to fight for what is good and to resist evil. There will always be groups of people who help in times of disaster. How can I help those who are helping others? Am I doing enough? I try in a small way to feed the hungry through World Vision and through donations to those who are feeding the poor in Vancouver. I try to visit the lonely and I try to pray for the sick but always I think I should do more.

We know that we have helped one family through poverty and difficult times. Seeing these five girls thrive and learn to survive; all so different in their values and approaches to life.

We see in our children their willingness to help others; that is carried on in their children, and in their love and care for one another. I love when our family gets together and it is a great source of happiness. They in their own way are making the world a better place and I am cheering them all on.
Carry on! You are wonderful!


Anonymous said...

Well, maybe the church as you know it is not meant to survive. Just like the catapillar that becomes a buterfly, maybe it is meant to die and come back as something totaly unregcognizable from what it was. Besides, even if the every christian church in the whole wide world ends up empty and deserted, it doesnt mean that god has died. Maybe it is time that Christians became individuals who relied on their own involvent as do gooders rather then falling back on waiting for the "church" to be the helping hand of the world.

beth bennett said...

Yes that is so true!
love mom

Merry Sunshine said...

I love the comfort of my church and the friends/parishioners who attend it.
Maybe it is because we are a small church with a vibrant leader in our minister, but we are close. We care about each other, celebrate the good things together and help each other through difficult times....that is something I would really miss if there was NO CHURCH.
Worship as a group is so much stronger....worship on a single basis just wouldn't cut it for me.
I think people will continue to worship in groups whether it be called church, synagogue, or mosque. After all it has been going on for centuries. After the Sunday service ends we have coffee and munchies and almost everyone stays for a hour or even two. Long live church!

Merry Sunshine said...

I love the comfort of my church and the friends/parishioners who attend it.
Maybe it is because we are a small church with a vibrant leader in our minister, but we are close. We care about each other, celebrate the good things together and help each other through difficult times....that is something I would really miss if there was NO CHURCH.
Worship as a group is so much stronger....worship on a single basis just wouldn't cut it for me.
I think people will continue to worship in groups whether it be called church, synagogue, or mosque. After all it has been going on for centuries. After the Sunday service ends we have coffee and munchies and almost everyone stays for a hour or even two. Long live church!

Anonymous said...

Churches are fine, but get rid of the ministers, priests, rabbis, bishops, imams, nuns, monks, pundits, popes, etc., etc. -- all the parisites that try to live off the distance between man and God.

