Thursday, August 5, 2010


I wore dad out looking for water in the Water Shed Park. I could not find the place where the water came shooting up and there was a lovely little pool. I know it is there so I will find it.

I must be getting old having to take my teeth [tooth] out at night and put it in when I go out for the day. I find I am adjusting to having it out at night put I still panic every time I pull it out. I am praying I will not die in my sleep without my tooth in.

I had a wonderful time at our barbecue last night and was very loved and sent home with scones and strawberry jam and fruit salad. Lots of laughs during the catching up on the news of what everyone has been doing over the summer. I am reminded of the impact that our ordinary friends and neighbors have on our lives. We can get caught up in reality T.V. or the lives of the rich and famous but when it comes to my ordinary everyday life I try to be a help to those I can by listening or visiting or walking with them.

"A life well lived defines greatness" which to be means loving our family and enjoying being with them. Had a short talk with Mary before I left for the barbecue and she said she had been thinking of having a nice long bath when my relaxing bath salts came in the mail. Such a simple thing can bring happiness.

I have just noticed this year that the small barking dog next door is not barking every time I go out the back door. Actually I had gotten use to it and it did not bother me. I think he was just saying Hi.

So I will put my experience with the miserable dentist behind me and try the one that dad suggested. I just have to catch my breath. I would like to get my x-rays because they will not do him any good.

"A person is a person, no matter how small" Dr. Seus

Jesus redefined the meaning of greatness by his words that made the ordinary significant and saying "just you wait" the first will be last and those who serve our greater than those who think themselves high and mighty.

I hope that my life will leave some mark on the lives of my family and that they can remember and laugh about!


Anonymous said...

It seems you may need my help eh, I am sure I could find the pond again. And I agree, you should not stick with a dentist who is not nice, it is bad enough having to go to a dentist in the first place with out having to be worried about them being rude or dismisive to you.

Merry Sunshine said...

What is it about some dentists? They are so busy making $$$ and running from treatment room to treatment room that they forget their patients are REAL PEOPLE who have feelings! Since I was small a parade of dentists left me with terrible apprehension about seeing them UNTIL I met Dr. Nita Mazarat. I searched for a lady dentist and finally found her. She is so warm and reassuring and the most expert dentist I have gone to. Once I told her that I looked forward to seeing her and she put her hands on her hips and said NOOO...and I said it is true! Beth, I wish you lived in Winnipeg and you could see her. She even gives hugs! You will get used to your tooth...I had to adjust to upper dentures at 29..( now you know why) and was highly embarrassed for a while, but after a couple of years I actually like them. No fillings required...don't have to floss them and they don't hurt when I eat cold ice cream..there you go...positive things can happen from negative things!
Take care my friend...and good luck in your search for water in the park. (Perhaps you should try a divining rod!....just kidding.)

Anonymous said...

I hope you find this water spot. Kind of a drama now! Will she find it? Won't she? Where did it go? Ha ha -- could be part of a murder mystery!

Detective: Now, Mrs. Smith, you say you saw this person on Tuesday afternoon in the woods by a little waterfall?

Mrs Smith: Yes.

Detective: Can you show exactly where you saw this person?

Mrs. Smith: Oh dear, not sure about that.

