Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Well. . .Well. . . .Hmm..That is about all I could say. At times life sucks and Sandra did not need all the bad news from the dentist. Two bad infections that should have been treated with antibiotics at her first visit. Leaves you doubting your dentist and not wanting to go back. There is nothing much worse than being told there is nothing wrong when you know there is.

Anyway other than saying well...well.. we told her some of our experiences. I have always tried to shield my children from pain but it cannot be done. At least I had some mashed potatoes to offer her with some soft fish and green beans. Much better for the kidneys than spinach and beer or coffee. I have to believe that adversity has the potential to make us stronger and better people. But everything is not fine and all I should do is listen and be sympathetic.

It had not been a good day for me I was feeling very tired and did not accomplish half of what I set out to do. I know in my mind I was telling myself I am just to plain tired. Trying to get rid of junk drains you of energy. We do get attached to things and there is always the thought in the back of your mind well maybe one day I will need it. Yah and on the day you need it you will not be able to find it.

Dad finished making supper for me when I admitted I was too tired. That was good. I lost the car keys in the garden when I started to bring them in and got distracted pulling weeds and through keys and weeds in the compost. I walked around and around looking for where I may have dropped them and it was getting dusk and I was going to have to tell dad the bad news. I had already written two cheques on the wrong bank so I had done enough damage for one day. The good news was I found them just as I was going in the house.

I love the quiet morning when the day is new and I try to be open to the Spirit, that energy force that comes from a place beyond ourselves. I have to declutter my mind as well as my cupboards.

Everything takes time; especially healing. I have to face my new dentist today and I am expecting bad news but once you know you deal with it.


Merry Sunshine said...

What a beautiful plant..could you tell me the name Beth? I too, love flowers and have a collection of house plants. My favourite is a hibiscus that is a deep red and a double bloom. I will take some pics when it is in bloom. I cut it back, hard, and it is just at the point where the buds are forming.
I am feeling that you need a little encouragement right now and would like to pass on a few comforting words that Judy, our minister told us. Always remember that "you are a much beloved child of God." She told a story, that went with those words, that brought tears to our eyes, it was so precious. One day I will relate the story to you. Often times her sermons are like stories....they capture your interest and pass along the message. She is GREAT!
Thinking warm thoughts to you,

Anonymous said...

Here is hoping your visit goes better then mine. And at least what ever happens, at least you will be moving forward and closer to have the tooth being fixed properly.