Saturday, August 14, 2010


Ben discovered this perfect tree climbing spot in the shady deck! ! !

I am the last person on earth, the very last, that you should ask for directions. Just as I am coming home by 64th an elderly East Indian man asked directions on how to get to 66. That was easy as I point down the street and carried on home very hot and thirsty. But I started to feel guilty and decided to hurry back to walk with him. I sighed a sigh of relief as I saw him walking with another East Indian man and I knew all was well.He would never know that some one he did not know cared about him that day.

There is a lovely little story that tells of a young girl who rescues a fairy disguised as a small butterfly. The angel asks her what she would wish for. Happiness is her reply. The angel then told her a secret to happiness, "Everyone no matter how secure they may seem, have need of you."

My greatest wish is that in some small way I can show the way to the heart of God, a big heart of love. Sometimes as I write I feel God smiling as if we are sharing a secret. When I try to read books by some great writer I find myself getting lost in the long sentences and although I would wish to become more profound and deeper in what I write I know it is the simple "fairy tales" that touch me.

I know where I am at this moment in time and I do not know where I will find myself going in the future but I want to carry my faith with me and I hope that there will be a trail that I leave behind for others to discover.

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