Friday, August 20, 2010


Carol and I take a picture of a mirror set in the secret garden a place of beauty and restfulness.

I have needed more rests and longer ones these lasts few days. I get very annoyed with myself because there are things I have planned to do and even though I try to think positive thoughts I cannot shake the nausea and tiredness. I wonder if I have eaten something I should not have and right now I am changing my bread. There is so much available now that it is amazing.

I am so thankful that I now am feeling the benefit of those long afternoon naps.
The world has carried on quite fine without me and it is very normal for me to go through times when I just run down: but it frustrates me. I have to learn to find happiness in just being not doing.

There are so many needs that I see in my world and I realize that there is a time when you have to just set some time aside to meditate, to find time to restore the energy that you are missing, and then you can see more clearly what part you are being called to play.

I think about what is most important in my life and that begins with dad and with my children and grand children and the greats too. As I regain a thankful spirit I find that my soul rsponds and strength returns.


Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous picture.So sorry that you are feeling under par.
" May he hold you up on eagles wings, make you to shine like the sun and hold you in the palm of his hand".
with love, Jane.

Merry Sunshine said...

Beth, did you know that you can be allergic to different grains....such as spelt, oatmeal, corn etc? I cannot eat some corn...such as tortilla chips. I don't eat any grains now except for great. I feel your pain....celiac is so debilitating. Try eliminating all grains for now. No breads at all for a while and see what happens. I eat lots of veggies...had steamed yellow beans for lunch, a dinner plate full, albeit with butter. DELICIOUS. They were right from the garden. Prayers to you..hope you get your energy back. Did I tell you I take enzymes to help with digestion and honestly, I couldn't live without them now. The colon does not absorb the nutrients without the enzymes. I buy Swiss brand at Walmart and take two 10 minutes before each meal. It is amazing the difference! Hope this helps...I hate to see you suffer.

beth bennett said...

Thank you both for your thoughtfulness. It is so good when we can help one another. I will go to Walmart to-day. I am willing to try what you suggest. My bread has been made with flax and maybe it is not so good for me.
I am feeling like my old self to-day and am looking forward to doing some work in the garden.
I love vegtables too.
love beth

Anonymous said...

Nice post Mom.



Anonymous said...

maybe you should take a page from Dads book and sleep in for a change.