Thursday, August 19, 2010


The beach can be a very romantic place with the right person! !

I was looking at some of the pictures Theresa has put on from her wedding photo's.
Wondering if dad starts using his weights [maybe that is the secret reason he does not want to part with them] he could carry me over the threshold but I guess our romance will have to be more wine and music and looking at the beautiful view of the ocean; or even juice and a sandwich picnic at the Water-shed park. I am reminded again how fortunate we are to have one another although we can drive each other a little crazy at times.

I am reminded that it is the inner beauty that counts and that as joy and concerns are woven into our lives it is up to use to weave a little romance into it too.

I was very happy with the dentist I went to yesterday and need some minor work done before I make any big decisions. Jane also joined the group "going to the dentist".

We drove into Tsawwassen to have fish and chips at the beach with Carol. She likes her new apartment and loves taking her bike to the beach and the peace garden. It is so beautiful there. Our family may have a gathering there on Sat. because Oliver is visiting and we can play volley-ball or have a swim. It will depend on the weather.

I am reminded this morning how it is in the simple ways we can influence others in our lives. Look for romance in the enjoyment of quiet moments with thankful hearts and many, many memories. We enjoyed so many family times at this beach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like rain for Saturday, ken