Tuesday, August 31, 2010


It is dark now in the morning when I wake up and this morning it is raining. Which is good because I will have to worry about watering the garden. It is time I got in gear and started to do some inside cleaning. Today dad goes into town to see the eye doctor but we leave at 10 so that is a reasonable time.

I learned over the last few days some very tragic experiences that others are going through. The mind takes it in during the day but the heart and soul feel it during the night. I woke up and couldn't sleep feeling such deep sadness.

Sometimes in life one second can make a difference and we wonder if only. And we wonder why? Most of our problems and worries in life are really about minor problems.
Most of these we can really handle on our own but there comes a time in our lives when tragedy brings such a heaviness that it is so heavy a burden we cannot carry it alone. This is when I have sought out the real presence of God knowing that it is only Him that can help me through the darkness that lasts not just for a morning but for a long time.


Anonymous said...

Drive safe, they always say the roads are slickest the first rain after a dry spell.

beth bennett said...

We did