Thursday, September 2, 2010


I cannot believe how fast the time went as we had a visit with Shawna and Stephen at Sandra's house yesterday. Today is Sandra's birthday and I cannot believe that 50 years has gone by so fast. Today we are having lunch with them all and also with Cameron and Sandel. Sandra has lots of things planned for the next few days and I know the time will fly by for all of us.

Dad and I got caught in a traffic jam as Scott Road was blocked off because of an accident. Dad tried to get ahead without merging and ended up facing a police car. We had mistakenly believe the traffic was all going down one lane but we had to get off Scott Road all together. It is not often you come face to face with a police car. Good job he was too busy to chase after us!!

There are six birthdays to remember in the first five days of Sept. and I have been worried I will forget some one. I thnik Tasha may have got two cards because i wanted to send her card off and dad was too slow to write in it. So the next one he did.

I thought we could just take things slow and easy at our time of life but I always seem to be behind myself. I wake up early thinking I have so many things I want to do and will there be enough time. I would like to do some visiting at the Nursing Home today but it all depends on Time! Dad tells me not to plan because plans always change but I need at least an idea of what I want to do. First I have to hurry out and do my walking so I have time to wash my hair before lunch. I am one of the few people in this family whose hair colour never changes. I do think about it every once in a while.

Meanwhile I am trying to make sense of the mess and mystery of the spiritual side of my life. Okay Sandra you can stop reading now. I realize that religion has been corrupted by power but so has all of life. I have been rethinking some of the lessons I learned about Jesus. I have never seen him as powerful but neither have I seen him as meek and mild. Jesus has taught me that love is greater than religion and that compassion is greater than purity.

Jesus has the power to awaken the truth of my oneness with God and my incompleteness without Him.


beth bennett said...

Well I did it! Picture and words!
I hope some one has time to comment.
love mom

Pinetreeannie said...

Beth...I feel as you do about the confusion in our part of me wants to join the new "in" way of thinking about our I have studied with our living the questions group...BUT how far do you take these new thoughts? One of my friends ( in the group ) thinks there is a God...but the bible is mostly hooey and there is no life after this one. Now that I cannot abide by and it has affected our friendship, on my part, much as I would rather it didn't. I am Anglican and the trilogy is an important part of my faith...Father, Son and Holy Ghost....I am will not give that up. So I take what I like from the teachings of Spong and the others, but keep my faith the way I want to. I still have lots of questions though. I will attend the study group again, once we start back later this month.
Glad your writing and pics turned out Beth...I have written you a few times here on your blog and not been able to publish it because it wouldn't recognize my password....the writing was gone to never never land too!
Take care and keep up writing and those super duper pictures.