Thursday, September 2, 2010


I believe that it is a difficult time for many of us who have been brought up in the church and want to be open to the questions that challenge a lot of what we believe. I too believe in the Trinity and the way each expresses the truth in unique ways.

"If we remember that the Spirit is God. . . . then we also understand that He is God at His closest to us." John Macquarrie in Principles of Christian Theology.

The dove is a good symbol as we see birds flying so high above us beyond our reach. One symbol is not enough as we read about Pentecost where the spirit came like a mighty wind and tongues of fire. After this experience a group of cowards were transform into passionate carriers of the Word.

Christians are expected to have compassion even for those who wrong you, Inwardness counts more than outward show and humility helps us to live by grace and peacefulness. Jesus taught us by his words and the holy spirit brings these words alive so that they can burn within our hearts and minds. I think this is why we feel so passionately about what we believe.


Pinetreeannie said...

excellent writings Beth....I do enjoy how you can put things in to words and make them real. The photo of the purple flower is wonderful...and of course the colour of spirituality is purple. Have you had training in photography....or is it instinctive? This was not a good day for me....just things going wrong from the time I got up so I will hit the sack early and get it over with! The one bright spot was reading your blog. So glad I found you!The next two days are going to be very busy, as we have a large craft sale here that I manage. I will be glad when it is over.

beth bennett said...

I am so glad you are commenting. I read about your life in your blog
The Winnipeg Nature News and I was very amazed and what you are doing. We are very blessed if we live close to nature.
Thank you for encouraging me. I have had no training in taking pictures or in writing but I enjoy both. I am busy with family here now visiting and I meant to write more yesterday but no Time!
love beth