Sunday, September 26, 2010


We went for a walk along the quiet river near to Theresa's house.  This has become a tradition that we often do.  Ben now rides his bike and Morgan tired out from her soccer and maybe feeling she wanted to be small again jumped in the stroller which Gramma Carol pushed.  Her mom would have insisted she walk but us gramma's,  who want to enjoy the moments and do not have to worry about discipline just go along with what is easiest.  Of course once we got to the river Morgan jumped out and forgot how tired she was and ran around chasing leaves and looking for bugs etc. 

A day that had looked like it may decide to rain turned out to be warm and sunny.  We are having mornings of rain and then the sun comes out to surprise us.  Back in Surrey Sandra is out in her garden and missing her pitch-fork.  She could not resit such a beautiful fall day.  She talks with a lisp but seems to be recovering well from her dental surgery.

I am reminded how important it is for our souls just to take time to enjoy nature, whether it is looking out at the lake from your exercise bike, digging in your garden, walking by the river, or sitting out on the porch; which dad was doing back home after doing some shopping.  A new store had opened and I had suggested we go there but then changed my mind and went to Chilliwack with Carol.

Taking time to wonder and appreciate life with all the beauty we see around us and all the love we feel in our families.  We are all so different and maybe a little crazy but I am glad that we are.  I think the little acts of kindness reminds us that God is present in us all.  I was reading about St. Francis who felt so at one with nature, with the animals, and with all creatures.  Jesus talked about doing the simple act of giving a drink of water with love as being an act of vibrant compassion. 

There are so many needs in our world today and we cannot help or support them all so we do what we can.  I find when I get over-tired I get so cranky and dad tells me to go have a rest.
There is a calmness that comes when I rest.


Anonymous said...

What new store has opened? Lots of nice pictures since the last time I checked your blog. Very cute pictures of Morgan. I am back to work, lisp and all, though still not able to sleep well.

Anonymous said...

You are amazing
love mom