Saturday, September 18, 2010


I am pretty sure it was the first time that your dad and I laid down for an afternoon nap and left the front door wide open. We both where tired from a busy morning, your dad is adding on to the deck at the front of the house and I was mucking about in the garden. I managed with dad's help to dig out one of the big roots of daisies that are taking over my garden.

So the door was open when Sandra arrived and I had to assure her this was something we normally did not do. She has given me some new ideas for my wild and crazy garden so that is a big help.

Today I must do some house work as I always track in lots of muck when I am gardening. It is so nice to be outside on these fall days when it is cool in the morning but warms up quickly. All of a sudden it is time to put your shorts on again. The trees are starting to change colour and I love all the colours.

Whether it is working outside or cleaning up inside it all takes energy.

Faith also takes energy and that energy flows when we give our heart, mind and soul in surrender to a mystery. Every human experience has the potential to stir new energy within us. Faith is a life time adventure that allows the unpredictable to break into the ordinary. I know the importance of silence and still get caught up in life's busyness. This leaves very little space and energy for the spiritual life to grow and become stronger. So weeds of doubt are sowen and I feel unsure of what direction I am to take. I liken it to a dream where you feel paralyzed and cannot move.

When I feel my energy draining during the day I know it is time to eat or to have a rest. Spiritually this is true too. Today I will enjoy walking and seeing the trees changing colour and the amazing flowers that are blooming with such a blaze of energy.

I am thankful for the things that I have to do each day,
even the very ordinary tasks.

I am thankful for faith that flows with bursts of energy at times
and at other times gives me a sense of calm and peace.


Anonymous said...

Open door means lots of fresh air with loads of oxygen.



beth bennett said...

I think Sandra had another comment about what a stupid thing to do.
She drops over to check up on us I am sure.

Glad you had a good visit in London. But be careful expressing those opinions of yours.

love mom