Thursday, September 9, 2010


This is our oldest son Rick who is leaving to fly to London today. He has been busy catching up on extra work while he was staying here with us. We have been very blessed this summer to be visited by both our sons. We are thankful to have daughters who live so close by who are constantly "there" for us. They feed us, listen to us, and help us when we need an extra hand.

They all have their own busy lives and their own opinions which is the way it should be.

I have been reading authors who have a different opinion than mine but I have gain a lot even as I struggled with some of their ideas. Truth comes in many forms and faith that keeps growing will become stronger and within this faith there is a rhythm of living and dying. I realize that I have to die to some of the traditions of the past and be open to the new.

I join with John Shellby Spong as he says "The presence of death can actually make life more precious, since it calls me to live each day fully, and it is by living fully that I enter the timelessness of life.'

For many whose life is full of tragedy the assurance that there awaits a better place is a comforting hope. Even as we can travel back into the past and at times feel that sense of O I have been here before there is a sense that we can travel into the future called eternity or heaven.

Jesus, the fully alive one, does become for us as Christians, the way, the truth and the life. The teacher who taught in word and in deed the heart and soul of the love he experienced in the love of God.

God for me is the loving father/mother who welcomes us home again and again, and Jesus the story teller made Him real and the Holy Spirit the energy of that love being stirred up within me.

The bottom line is that so much of our faith is impossible to put into words.

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