Friday, September 10, 2010


The birth of each one of our four children was a joyful time and I was thankful that I was able to stay at home to look after them. Memories come to life as I look at old pictures. We would occasionally get together with friends and share looking at our slides. We all took slides in the "good old days" and most of our pictures where of family and the odd picture of the prairies. Others had pictures of their travels which can be boring after awhile as I suppose ours where to them. I felt then as I do now that we had a loving family.

I was taught way back then that Pentecost was the birth of the church. A group of fearful and confused people, men and women gathered together to pray and to wait.
Times of waiting are hard on us all but yet they are necessary.

Suddenly a great wind blows upon the believers and tongues of fire can be seen burning on their heads and fear was replaced by a burning fire to teach others what they had all learned listening and being with Jesus. They had poured their hearts in anxious prayer longing for Jesus to be alive in their midst again. The Holy Spirit brings Jesus alive and has the power to birth within us, everyone, new life.

I have met people who I would call free-spirits who are fun loving and adventuresome. They are those who delight in colouring outside the lines.
The Holy Spirit is a free Spirit who delights in delighting us with the unpredictable.

I wanted something colourful to put on my blog today to express the colours of faith.
The Spirit of Jesus lives on within us and brings colour into our souls.

My soul can change colour to express my mood and emotions. Purple is for times when I sense the sacred holiness caught in a moment of time. Red is the energy that burns bright and births life into us continually. White is for times of peace and calm when I rest beside the still waters to the place where I have been led.

I am still very human and at times am very aware of my brokenness and failures that have caused me to stumble. God is still able to use me in ways I would have never dreamt. We are moving into fall now and the air feels different and we welcome every little moment of sunshine with glad hearts.

I welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit to fill me again and again. My world is full of colourful people each one brings something different and unique and real to me.

New dreams are being birth in each one of our lives.


Pinetreeannie said...

Beth, I really enjoyed the words you wrote today. You have a wonderful gift to express what I am learning and feeling regarding the new way of thinking about our faith.
I love the analogy of colouring and "staying outside of the
lines " regarding the Holy Spirit. Yes we often are inspired to do things that we never thought we would be doing...we just have to "listen" outside of the lines too. I find the best time to do that is when I walk and commune with nature. That is why I like to walk alone most of the time. It really is a form of meditation. I am going to borrow one of Bishop Spong,s books from my sister-in-law. I talked to our minister and our "living the questions" study group will be starting to meet soon. Such a great group of people who really aren't afraid to speak up and ask questions that some may fear to ask. We get in to some heated debates sometimes....which really makes you think for a long time afterwards. Our minister Judy is a super leader. thanks Beth,

beth bennett said...

Thank you Pinetreeannie
I really appreciate your words of encouragement. I walk every morning usually alone but it is through our small streets but I go early when all is quiet.
I like hearing about your church too. Yes, we do have a lot in common. love beth