Wednesday, September 15, 2010


We had a busy day, for us, after all. Ended up going to three stores the Health Food Store, Value Village and a furniture Store. Amazing how much they have in Value Village. I should have taken my pants in or I could save them and say I use to be that big. You know the picture of someone holding up big pants and telling you what diet to go on. The before and after. I wonder about those pictures. I am surprised Sandra did not say "Didn't you try them on?" I hate trying things on.

Cut and grass and had my hair cut and both really needed it. Picked up a few things for supper so very fortunate I can walk to the store for daily needs.

Tried to drag pictures off face book but only succeeded with a picture I did not want. I can only spend so much time on that. Right now it is refusing to put pictures on so I will turn it off can come back. Actually that is not truth it is putting every picture in my picture project on!

Today I have a U.C.W. meeting at the United Church and tonight we go to our Mennonite Bible Study. Tow very different, in some ways, of looking at scripture. So I have to find my own way. I do that with all the religious reading I do. This I do best first thing in the morning.

It is like this beautiful new purse dad bought me with many many zippers to open all the different compartments. When I go to the check-up I try to hurry and without fail open all the wrong places first. I open all the purse up and fail to see my change purse. So I have to start all over again. When I do find my change I drop it all over and think now I know why people use cards!

Anyway this is where I am at in my faith. I grew up in a conservative United Church, daer to my heart, because I sang in the choir. Then the United Church became very liberal and at that time I would find myself disagreeing. So I went searching to different churches and enjoyed the healthy positive influence this had on me.

This morning I am reading "The First Christian" by a Jewish priest who is looking back into his roots and comparing how Jesus turned away from some of his traditions .

His opinion of the teachings of Jesus:
1. His radical interpretation of mutual love. [this for me includes his acceptance of women.]

2. His call for a new morality in relation to the outcasts of society. [this for me includes all of us who have made painful mistakes in our lives and realize our spiritual poverty.]

3. His ideas of the Kingdom of Heaven. [a release from the need to sacrifice animals for forgiveness and salvation to an inner change that calls for repentance and rebuilding and restoration that comes with grace.


Anonymous said...

No one seems to try things on any more at the store, so I never even thought of mentioning it. Got half my back grass cut when I got home from work yesterday, if the rains start today the rest will have to wait awhile. Did you read Ricky's blog response to yours on the words of Jesus? It is nice you get up lifted by them, it just tires me out thinking of any religion, they all have very good reasons for why they are the right way, the best way, or even the only way. Wrote a bunch more but deleted. After all, it is your blog, if I want to vent I can go make my own!

beth bennett said...

You can vent on my blog I am trying to understand other people's ideas and other religions.

All religions say the same thing but all religions are abused and misused that is so true.

love mom