Saturday, September 4, 2010


I plan to finish Spong's book this morning.

I agree that religion as practiced in churches that are into behavior control give faith a bad name. Yet, I would never choose to leave the church because it has been and will continue to be a big part of my life. I have met most of my friends there who lives I share and whose friendship I treasure.

We do not know about the next generation as the popularity of religious institutions continues to decline. The more up to date churches with their guitars and drums are still attracting some young people. We have a new minister coming to our church and are hoping he will reach out to the young and the old.

"The task of faith has become therefore not the task of believing the unbelievable but the task of living, loving and being.""
"The mission of faith is no longer to convert; it is to transform the world so that everyone will have a better chance to live fully and thus to commune with the source of love, to love wastefully and to find the courage "to be" and thus to commune with the Ground of Being".

God is calling all of us to be a part of spreading the good news in word and in deed.

I love seeing a church when I drive through a new area and it does give me a sense of security and joy.

We have been given " the uniquely human gift of knowledge and the incredible power to think about and explore the meaning of life that allows us to walk into places where few of us have walked before, to transcend the limits of our humanity and finally to touch that which is Eternal."

The church has promised us answers to all our unanswerable questions. Faith promises "peace that passes understanding" which has taken on new meaning for me.
When we gratuate from this life we will still have more to learn.

Jesus was human and yet in touch with his own divinity so that he could say "the Father and I are one". He opens the door to what we have called Heaven.

"God is ultimately one and that means that each one of us is a part of that oneness".

I have faced death when I was given a diagnose of failing health for which there appeared to be no answers. It was a miracle a answer to prayer when it was discovered I had celiac. Today this condition is common and most people do not reach the point where there bodies are literally starving. I was so very weak and tired, tired of seeing doctors who had no answers and tired of unanswered prayer.
It was at that point I discovered the true power of prayer which was submission and letting go. I was ready for whatever or however God wanted to use my life.

"Eternity is within us" Our lives have been shaped by the love that surrounded us even when we were not aware of it, by the love of others who have touched our lives and especially by those God has given us to love and cherish.

The greatest gift of growing old is seeing my children taking responsibility for their lives and for the lives in their care. I hope and pray that they will find the joy of believing that has been with me all my life even in moments of deepest despair.

We are all called to live life to the fullest and to be all that we can be.
It is amazing to me that I can write in this simple little blog and touch the lives of others. This has been a gift of God to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, exactly Mom. The power of prayer is very much related to acceptance. God is not an ATM.

And there is nothing wrong with the positive social aspects of church. Nothing at all. Of course, from my view, it has nothing to do with God, whereas prayers of submission and acceptance probably do.

