Monday, September 20, 2010


I am happy I finally got a picture of the water-fall that dad completed. It was hard to get the water spilling over the rocks just right and for dad to remake the pond. Now I enjoy hearing the sound of the water flowing and splashing over the rocks! !

"As a matter of fact, happiness is something dynamic, a reality that must continuously be struggled for, but which, once we attain it, cannot be diminished by the external circumstances of life. . . . which is why it's a reality that each one of us can achieve."
The Monks of New Skete.

Happiness is sleeping in till 6:30 when I had given up hope of being able to do just that.

It is having a friend phone just when you need someone to talk to.

It is learning. Finding just the right book on your quest for happiness.

It comes and goes like the tide and our times of unhappiness create compassion within us.

I can still be spontaneous even at my age!

There is nothing I should do today but many things I can do.

Keeping in touch with family on face book and my blog.

Happiness is having a spell-checker do the work for me.

Enjoying the last blooming of the garden flowers and having a pitch-fork to dig with.

Happiness is walking in the rain, taking pictures and meeting a friendly young couple who stop to talk!

It is watching the moon at night playing hide and seek in the clouds.


Anonymous said...

It is so nice to finally get that little bit of extra sleep. How is the digging going? I have booked my dental surgery for Sept 30th, something to be thankfull for will be having that behind me!

Anonymous said...

I am very slow in my digging. One root at a time.

I hope you have booked time off.
Yes it will be good to have it over and done with.

Thanks for the pitch fork.

I will be visiting Shirley at home today so do not plan on doing much in the garden.
love mom

Anonymous said...

How lovely to have your very own waterfall and to share it with others love, Jane.