Monday, September 20, 2010


Holy Hope is the word that I would use for the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Jesus that flows like a gentle stream day and night bringing the healing love of Jesus to those who feel sad and wounded in their souls. I have a choice to hold on to my disappointments and failures or to let them go. I can let the wind carry them away to never never land.

As I open my heart to experience the Holy Spirit my whole changes and I am transformed by a powerful love that restores hope within me.

"Hope does not involve either the denial of evil or its glorification; it involves for me a kind of sacred insanity that even in the madness there is meaning.

The mystery of God is in a mess in this world of critical discontent. Without God; that listening presence I would give up on life completely. I would feel life draining me and the energy that had fueled me draining away. Hope is my bridge over troubled waters. Hope is believing that good can survive and can continue to live on even in the darkest of times. It can be easier to be pessimistic but hope fuels the courage, brings it to life again and again. Life may never change but our ability to take risks and trust that the grace os God is alive.

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