Saturday, September 4, 2010


I started my walk very early this morning and as I started down the hill noticed the sunrise; so back to our house to get the camera. Then the problem was to find an area free of houses and the sun is rising even higher.

On my walk I see the early morning joggers, the dog walkers and the early morning worshippers going to the East Indian Temple for early morning prayer. Then their are several people heading to Starbucks for their morning coffe. A few early risers are watering their lawns but mostly it is very quiet and peaceful. It is a fresh and cool morning and I have a very enjoyable walk!

I think that growing up I was a bit of a dreamer chasing after happiness.

My earliest dream was to be a writer but I found that no one seemed excited about my writing ability so I was happy just being a reader. I very much wanted a dog which we were never able to have my dad never cared for dogs. Working as a secretary was okay but working in a big company like Saskatchewan light and power where there were so many people was a very unfriendly and stressful place.

Falling in love was magical and I dreamed about a cute little house with a dog and lots of children. Our first house was a triplex that was run down and had a huge ditch in front of the door. I did have nice neighbors and I made friends although we were all busy looking after our children and keeping our houses very very clean.
Being the perfect mom was harder than I realized and I wanted it to be fun. I was very obedient as a child and expected my children would be too. Why won't my children pick up their toys when I ask or later why don't they keep their rooms tidy.
I was not prepared for these noisy, active and demanding little people that demanded my attention continually.

The best part is having the dreams come true in unexpected ways.

I missed capturing the best part of the sunrise as I had to walk and walk to find a place to take a picture. It was fun hurrying along anticipating this beautiful picture.

I was happy when we moved to a brand new home in a nice neighborhood where I could walk to church. This I would do putting two children in a buggy and having the older two walk along. I made some good friends there and was happy to be involved.
Church was easier in those days we listened to the minister and we believed and no one thought of questioning the Bible or God. Heaven forbid!

I wanted to know my Bible better so found a group of Baptists that where starting a Bible Study group. They knew exactly what to believe and I never said a word for the first year because so much was new to be. Born again? Heaven and Hell? Conversion? Baptism? Sinner?

I was chasing after religion with all the answers that would transform my life from a sinner into a saint. I soon found this impossible and as the years unfolded and our little group experienced tragedy I realized that all you can try to be is real!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can appreciate how hard it would be getting
4 kids ready for church. Getting two kids washed
and dressed for a birthday party was hard. Lol
Nice picture.
