Sunday, September 26, 2010


I admire writers who can take you with their words  into the world of a child.

     When I was  a child I was told by my parents that if I ate the crusts on my bread
that I would have curly hair.

That was a great incentive to me because I wanted more than anything to have curly hair..
  I went to bed many a night with my hair tied with rags to make it curly.
As we mature it is important that we look at why we believe as we do.
I have found a great many things have influenced me as I went to school
and found out that many people did not believe as I did.                       
What I believed influenced what I did and said and how I felt about myself and about others.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rags in the hair. Hmmm, I never knew that. But I guess it doesn't work that well???

