Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Yesterday was an exceptionally happy visit with Shirley as she had so much good news to share.  It is wonderful to have good news and it is even better to have some one to share it with.  She is doing so much better, getting stronger and able to walk with a cane.  It was a lovely sunny morning so she had walked outside which is amazing.  She had several good news phone calls. she can stay as a visiter at the Sensiors Centre where she has friends, Howard and Vera for five days free to see if she likes it,  she is looking forward to doing this.  The new minister phoned to say he was coming for a visit and she was excited about that.  The Vets. phoned with some good news about extra support if she moves into care.  She has decided she will be doing this in the new year, a big decision.

She was so thrilled to share all her news with me.  We need things to look forward to with happy anticipation and expectation.  Shirley was brought up with four brothers and sisters and she loves being around people; so it is hard for her to be stuck in the house.  She loves to hear what has been going on in my life which I try to make interesting and funny.

It is nice when we can surprise people with the unexpected.

I always envied fiends with bigger families, especially if they had a sister.  I had thought I would like 6 children but found my 4 a handful!  I can remember the day each was placed in my arms and I thought how perfect they were.  They have continued to surprise and delight me even when they annoy me and with all their different ways.

I was the thoughtful child in our house while Brian was the talker and risk taker.  He got into far more trouble than I did, which took some of the attention from me.  My main things is that I was always losing things which I am getting even better at now.

Today I have the U.C.W. meeting and dad may try hockey again.  I may leave early from my meeting to go with him but I am not sure.


Anonymous said...

That is very exciting for Shirly. It is good she is happy and looking forward to the move instead of dreading it and feeling like she has no choice. Maybe you and dad could move into her place? :)

beth bennett said...

Soon and very soon? That is words from an old song.

Very, very expensive. Remember Shirley is 91 and this has been a tough decision for her. I think she is doing it more for her daughter so she will not worry.

love mom