Thursday, January 5, 2012


God  has made everything beautiful in its time.

He has also put eternity in our hearts, yet we cannot fathom what He has done.  Ecc. 3:11

Buddhism teaches that we all will suffer, and I know that I experience. many different emotions of both sadness and happiness.
The good part is that there is a path out our suffering especially if we suffer because we are too attached to anything, which is the Buddhist philosophy.

  I woke up feeling still very tired, having not slept that well.  I decide a walk would do me good.  Walking in the wind and the rain made me feel alive again and also happy. 

Finding security in a faith that promises transforming love available to us all has help me trust that things are progressing as they should.  I also think taking time to meditate or pray first thing in the morning  influences my thoughts for the rest of the day

Mysticism is part of both Christian and Buddhist faith and it has been said we are spiritual beings on a physical journey.  I asked my mom where was gram ma when she passes  away and was told in heaven.
I was very young at the time but I had a feeling that heaven was a very real and a very good place.

Today questions are raised that if we are honest cannot be answered.

A rabbi tells a story of an imaginary dialogue between a refrigerator and the flow of electricity.
"Where will you go when they pull my plug?"
What arrogance!  I go where I aways go.  They just invented you a hundred years ago and you have learned to contain my energy to refrigerate and keep food fresh. 
I go back to an unconfined place, unfettered by containers and boxes like you."

We have been given the key to plugging into an extraordinary powerful energy source
 if we take time to connect.  I am aware that I need to take the time to do this.

Had a busy day.  Had to get the missing book issue straightened out.  Had a meeting
o f M. & P at the home of Joan and Alan.  A beautiful home with the Christmas decorations still up.
It was a very informative meeting for me because this is the first time I have taken on this job.  We relate to one person on the staff and are there to help them work out any problems.

  Then off to Uri's party in the evening.  Jasmine was there with her little baby and Uri pats his head and says "baby".  It was a fun time.  Ava has taught Uri sign language and it is so neat to see him ask for a drink etc.

Dad had bought the present for Uri in the afternoon so everything worked out
Cathy was so happy to have all her five girls home with her, a lively group.
As a mother I know the happiness this brings to a mother's heart.

I was tired but felt good and had enjoyed my day.

Sometimes I am able to accomplish external goals and that is pleasing for me
but when the future does not turn out as I had thought it would,  I am reminded
that emotional and spiritual well-being comes from within.

Also only eternity can answer some of our questions and promises lasting happiness

On Thursday I visit Jim at the Nursing home and maybe we will dine out!


Anonymous said...

Looks like good cookies.

The electricity is like the shape of God.



Anonymous said...

Who made the cookies? How was the missing book issue settled? Sandra